Questioning by Erny McDonough

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Mar 16 - 0 Comments

Have you ever encountered a crisis or an enduring challenge in life that rocked you to the foundation of your faith? In those moments of questioning, perhaps you felt like you had failed God by simply asking the questions.

You may be surprised to learn one of the greatest witnesses for Christ in the Bible had questions of his own. May his testimony be of encouragement to you.

John the Baptizer gave an unflinching call for repentance to multitudes during the months leading up to Jesus’ public ministry. John was God’s chosen servant called to prepare the people for the arrival of His Son. John’s preaching even caught the ear of Herod, the king who ruled the region under Roman authority.
In spite of Herod’s admiration, and even fear of him, John the Baptizer’s uncompromising message did not set well when the prophet denounced Herod for taking Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife. Herod imprisoned John. In time, John’s God-driven candor would cost him his life.

While languishing in prison, John began to struggle with doubt. Perhaps he wondered why Jesus did not use His influence and exercise some sort of effort to free him. In his pondering depression, John dispatched a couple of his followers to inquire of Jesus if He really was the One whom John had proclaimed the Messiah, or should John look for someone else?

Imagine that! The man who shouted out for all to hear, “Prepare the way for the Lord!” now struggled to believe in the Lord he had proclaimed.

Jesus has no criticism for this despondent prophet who had so dramatically introduced Him as the Promised One. Nor did He answer “yes” or “no” to whether He was, in fact, that Person. Rather, Jesus sent John’s followers back to him with a report of what they had seen in Jesus” ministry – that the blind received their sight, the lame walked, the lepers were cleansed, the deaf heard, the dead had been raised, and the Gospel was being preached to the poor – the essences, the fulfillment of Old Testament’s prophecies.

Jesus did not focus on the predicament in which John was bound, nor give a reason why He had not intervened. He simply said, “If you want to know whether I am, indeed, Who you proclaimed Me to be, let the fulfillment of prophecy serve as My identification.”

Apparently, John had asked precisely the right question, for he received the answer setting his heart at ease that Jesus truly was the Messiah, and now he would die in peace, assured in his faith in the Lamb of God “who takes away the sin of the world.” The answer John received was sufficient for him to go unflinchingly to his death. Jesus’ identity had been certified.

While all this makes for a moving and intriguing story, its relevance applies to everyone when we, too, face difficult times, feelings of desertion, being left to tolerate chronic sickness and pain, believing all the while that Jesus could take care of any or all of that – if He only would.

And when He does not?

Ah! There is the rub! It is so often at this point that we, disappointed in the failure of Jesus’ unquestioned power being released to bring healing, deliverance, or supply, give in to bitterness and anger. Finally, in pathetic sorrow, some denounce the One they once professed to love and serve…all because their earnest need in prayer was not met as they desired or believed was possible.

The problem lies with the implied question. Too often, in the middle of pain, we are tempted to define God strictly be what He will do for us. In a sense, we are asking, “Are You God because You meet my desires or needs when I call for them?”

We all will ultimately find our hearts at rest in our faith in Jesus when we simply ask, “Are You the One?” As we focus on His divine identity, instead of demanding release from the prison of illness, the hurt of relationships, the supplying of something desperately wanted, we can take hold of an eternal perspective.

The real question is, “Are You the One whom I can trust with my never-dying soul? Are You the One I can expect to be waiting for me when death overtakes me?”

The Good News is Jesus left His identity for us, just as clearly as He did for John, He is the One! Jesus’ identify is the Cross – and the empty tomb. The fact is that Jesus paid the price with undeniable love by becoming our sacrifice for sin forever. The historic fact of Jesus’ resurrection validates everything He ever said.

There is no denying how desperate we are to find relief from the problems and pain that comes our way. But until we come to the right question – is He the Son of God, the Savior of the world? – disappointment, anger, wavering faith, and doubt will forever plague human intelligence. Jesus proved His identity and fulfilled His redemptive mission on Easter morning.

As part of the human race, we are sure to face a spectrum of trials, meet many disappointments, and at times suffer momentary defeat. But our God reigns, and our faith is well placed when placed in Him! The Cross and the empty tomb forever provide Jesus Christ’s unmistakable identification! He lives today!

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