Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 Apr 16 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Wasn’t our Easter Celebration grand! Somewhat over 600 people joined us on the Front beach and praised our Risen Savior! The singing was excellent, the message strong, and the fellowship warm. Cathy’s Restaurant again did an excellent job with the cinnamon rolls. This time together reminds us why we get together the first day of each week to remember that we have a reason to celebrate – He Lives!

At our regular morning service on Easter Sunday, we were honored to have Doug and Kimberly Bennett speak to us about the new direction in which the Lord is leading them. The couple have sold their Port O’Connor home and most of their ‘wordly goods’ in preparation for a life of ministry. On July 1st, they will depart on the 10,000 mile journey to Bali, where currently only 2% of the population is Christian. We are excited for Doug and Kimberly and will be praying for them and looking forward to finding ways to assist them.

We are still in a state of disbelief about the generosity of friends in Fort Worth who brought and installed an 8 ft. by 40 ft. walk-in freezer. We had Gonzales Construction come and put in some concrete the week before Easter. They laid sidewalks, a pad for our grill, and an extension for the freezer to sit on. By Tuesday after Easter, the freezer was sitting at zero degrees and now we can hardly wait to fill it to help the local needy people! Now we can offer more than just “dry” goods – we can branch out into frozen foods as well. Thanks to Gonzales Construction and to Pastor Don Smith and his church family for making this happen!

We enjoyed a men’s breakfast this past month and we are planning a couple of work days (April 18-20) at the farm to install 2,100 feet of pipe. Our well was decommissioned and we need to go across the farm to hook up to a rural district water source. The J.M. Eagle Company, who make pipe at Wharton, donated the pipe and we are going to install it. When completed, we will be ready for our Men’s Retreat, April 29 and 30 at the farm and will have plenty of water without having to rely on the windmill as we have in the past. God’s blessings are awesome!

Sunday morning, April 10, we helped open the new building at our Hallettsville Campus. Campus Pastor Junior and Bobbye Garcia have done an excellent job of starting this outreach. They changed jobs and moved to Hallettsville just over a year ago. The congregation has purchased the property (paid cash for it) and have moved a building on their property, and have paid about one-half of that debt. We are excited to be a prt of what the Lord is doing in Hallettsville and are honored that Fisherman’s Chapel and the Port O’Connor area have had a part in it. Soon we are planning a special Saturday activity where we can all meet in Hallettsville to see what the Lord has done!

Pastor Jesse and Sister Angie are continuing to direct the Fisherman’s Chapel Spanish Services each Tuesday. These services are in Spanish only and begin at 6:00 p.m. There is singing, a time of praise, and teaching from the Word of God. If you desire the opportunity to praise the Lord in Spanish, or if you want to brush up on your Spanish, you are welcomed to attend.

We have started a series of messages from Jesus’ teaching we commonly call “The Sermon on the Mount” each Sunday morning. We will be concentrating on what we call “The Beatitudes” for the next several weeks. You are welcome to come and expand your knowledge of Jesus’ teaching and receive inspiration to propel you forward in your walk with the Lord.

Mother’s Day activities are already being planned. In the 11:00 a.m. Service, pastor Joane will be preaching. Each mother present will receive special recognition and a gift. Everyone “who has a mother” will be blessed by this special service on May 8.

Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation who has been helping people experience a closer walk with the Lord for over 20 years. Everyone will find something that will inspire them and will find friendships here that will help fulfill their lives. You will always find a a warm welcome at the Chapel and are urged to, “Come grow with us!”

Doug & Kimberly Bennett Missionaries to Bali

Doug & Kimberly Bennett
Missionaries to Bali

Gracias a Dios por su gran amor. Es evidente que Dios nos ama y nos quiere bendecir. La gloria de nuestro señor es tan grande y poderosa hasta poder vencer toda lucha y prueba que tengamos. Hemos visto como su amor es grande en darnos su hijo en la cruz y también victorioso sobre la muerte. Esto nos asegura que la victoria es nuestra si creemos en él y su poder. Los días pasan y el tiempo se nos va rápidamente, pero nuestro esfuerzo debe de seguir sirviendo a nuestro Dios y Padre celestial. Su Hijo Cristo, nos ha salvado y su Santo Espíritu nos ha dado el poder para vivir victoriosamente en estos días en que vivemos. Espero que busquen a Dios mientras pueda ser hallado. Es mi deseo que puedan conocer a mi Cristo y comiencen a servirlo con todo su Corazón. Que Dios los llene de su amor y bondad. Su hermano en Cristo.
Pastor Jesse C. Alderete
Fisherman’s Chapel

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