POC Service Club Chronicles by Kelly Gee

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 Apr 16 - Comments Off on POC Service Club Chronicles by Kelly Gee

POC Women’s Community Service Club has just completed their spring garage sale with great success. Many of you donated items for sale, shopped, bought baked goods or even came to the famous $1 bag sale. Thank you for your support of our work. Proceeds from the sales help our community. Not only are we about to award our 2016 scholarships to local graduates, but we have a number of new and ongoing community projects. The front beach map and pet potty stations are being used regularly. We are in the process of moving the volleyball sand pit and hope to complete other projects within the year. If you missed this sale, no worries. We have another one scheduled for October. You can start donating to that one if you still have a closet to clean out or a shed to organize. We will put your orphaned treasures to good use.

Chamber Crawfish Festival is right around the corner and Service Club members will be manning the ticket table. POC Chamber does a great job of this event. You won’t want to miss. April 30th at Kingfisher Beach.

Service Club is producing a new Cookbook in the coming months. We are organizing recipes and still have room for a few more. Very limited copies of the previous cookbooks are still available. Get yours from a club member before they are gone.

Service Club will be awarding local youth scholarships this next month. If you have not already applied, check with your school counselor or a Service Club Member for more information. You can’t be awarded any scholarship you do not apply for, so apply soon!

We invite all interested women to join our club and get in on the fun and service. We meet the 1st and 3rd Thursday during the school year, and the 1st Thursday during summer months at the POC Community Center. All interested are invited to visit and see if you would like to join us.

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