Primary Runoffs May 24

Archived in the category: Announcements, Events, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 Apr 16 - Comments Off on Primary Runoffs May 24

Only one polling place wil be open for both the Democrat and Republican Party Primary Runoff elections. Early voting for runoff will be held May 16-20, 8am-5pm, in the Court House lobby. Election day, May 24, ALL precincts will vote at the Court House lobby, 7am-7pm.

Background on the decision to only have one voting place for both the early and election runoff was requested by the Secretary of State, as well as both the Democrat and Republican parties.. The cost of each polling place for our county averages at least $2,000 (Democrat and Republican combined) per election. Multiply that by 23 for Calhoun County and you can see what it would cost YOU, the taxpayer, for the entire state. We have only about 13,000 registered voters. That is just a drop in the bucket. Turnout for runoff elections is historically extremely low. It is just not fiscally feasible to open all the polls.

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