“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.
Party Meltdowns?
We are watching the most contentious and dishonest primary elections in decades, perhaps even ever. While the Media has loved the 17 candidate GOP ‘mass dog-fight’ while simply assuming Hillary is the Anointed One for the Dems, everything is imploding.
The Socialist, nee ‘Democrat’, Party has the Criminal Corruptocrat Hillary losing votes to the Cranky Old Communist Bernie Sanders. Sanders is not even a “Registered Democrat”, but an “Independent-Socialist”. His Platform of Promises, Free Stuff, and non-enforcement of Laws, has forced Hillary into moving even further to the Radical Left of her normal Alinskyite Agenda of incremental destruction of our economy, culture, national sovereignty, and Constitutional Govt. But she lost her first “Slam-Dunk” Primary to Barack Hussein Obama in 2008, who simply “Out-Marxist-ed” her with false promises and outright lies, so why won’t the same tactics work for Ole Bernie? Hillary has the added burdens of foreign policy failures as Obama’s SecState – The Arab Spring, Benghazi Massacre & lying cover-up, Syria and the rise of ISIS, her criminal and intentional lack of proper security on her Emails, selling favors to foreign, even enemy, competitors for contributions to the Clinton Foundation, and constantly lying to the Media and the people. She has been forced to run in this Primary even further to the left of “Crazy old Bernie” while taking in millions in Campaign Contributions from Wall Street, Hollyweird, George Soros, and others of the “Evil Idle Rich”. Bernie comes across as sincere (even if demented) and somewhat likeable in a ‘well-meaning village idiot’ kind of way; while Hillary comes across as a frustrated and exhausted harridan, hoarsely shouting the same old promises, lies, & worn-out Talking Points. But she should be the First Woman President, it’s her turn!
Regardless of the votes in the primaries, the Democrat Super-Delegates are all ‘pledged’ to Hillary and she might win in a Party Elitist controlled convention, but at what cost? The Bernie-ites are loyal to him, not the “Party”. Also the Obamas and Valerie Jarrett despise the Clintons and want to destroy them, politically and financially. They could drop the ‘Indictment Bomb’ just before the Convention, declare Hillary ineligible and take her delegates, declare Bernie as ineligible because he is not even a ‘Registered Democrat’, and have a completely “Brokered Convention” run by the Party elite.
The GOP Establishment fears Donald J. Trump so much that the Party leadership is supporting Ted Cruz (whom they loath) just to try and stop Trump. Trump is not a politician, and is seriously “flawed” in how he has run his campaign, but the fact remains Trump tells it like he sees it, and it resonates with millions of voters all across the political spectrum except the Political Elite of the “Uni-party” or The Washington Cartel. These are the Permanent Political Class, the New World Order crowd, the Internationalist Progressives, the Financial Manipulators and International Banksters. They despise and fear Trump because he really wants to “Make America Great Again”, and might succeed by sealing the borders, re-industrializing, reducing debt and the welfare state, and restoring a growing economy by stopping the ridiculous concept of “Free Trade” that imports cheap foreign products tax-free while destroying jobs here with bureaucracy, taxes, and idiotic “Social Engineering”.
But why would they support Cruz when he says he is a Conservative, Christian, Constitutionalist, Pro-American, Capitalist and against all this Elitist manipulation of the economy and Big Govt? Easy answer – they think Cruz is the best way to destroy Trump, and they can easily destroy Cruz if they can’t ‘buy’ him. Ted Cruz is not a “Constitutionalist” or he would not be running for President, but exposing Obama, Rubio, Jindal and others for being ineligible by the true definition of “natural born Citizen”. Even if Cruz could get the delegate votes to win the nomination on the first ballot, I don’t think the GOP Establishment will let him be the Nominee because they know he will be challenged by the Dem-Socialists if he won because it is public record that Ted Cruz was born in Canada, his father was a Naturalized Canadian citizen, and probably so was his mother by Canadian law. Ted is “nbC”, but of Canada!
Also his wife Heidi is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and as a member and probably a paid employee of the CFR wrote a ‘paper’, Building a North American Community that supports the ‘North American Union’ (NAU). The NAU is patterned after the European Union where Canada, Mexico, and the USA will become a ‘Political Unity” with totally open borders, one currency, and a “supra-national govt” with bureaucratic powers to “oversee” (rule) all the normal functions of govt for all 3 countries. Heidi was rewarded for her efforts with a ‘Big Money’ job at Goldman Sachs, who also opened their coffers to supporting Ted’s political ambitions. Ted has called the CFR “A nest of snakes” in speeches to Conservatives, but takes the money from PACs controlled by CFR members. Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox News, is a CFR member. Perhaps that will clarify some confusion of their shifts in reporting. Ted Cruz may already be a “wholly owned subsidiary” of Goldman Sachs, CFR, and the New World Order, both he and his wife Heidi spent their early careers working closely with CFR Neo-Cons & internationalists in the Bush administration. Again these facts are part of the public record, but widely ignored, at least so far.
So with no clear winner on the first ballot, the GOP Convention may also be a “Brokered” Convention, with delegates assigned by Party Elites to vote for whomever the “Inner Circle” chooses to have as the Nominee.
Who will be the Nominees of the Major Parties? “Uncle” Joe Biden, and Elizabeth Warren as VP for the Dem/Socialists and Paul Ryan with Carly Fiorino as VP for the RINOs? Who knows?
What if Trump did run as an Independent? He might just pick up many of the disgruntled Bernie supporters, the rest of the Precious Little Snowflakes will probably vote Green Party, especially if Hillary gets the Dem nomination. Depending on who he had as a running-mate, Trump might win! Even if Trump lost to the Dems, I think the GOP would be third! Maybe even 4th, if Bernie ran as independent, too! If Cruz is on the GOP ticket, I’ll hold my nose (like usual GOP elections) and vote for him, just to see the Dems challenge his eligibility if he wins. If they do, Cruz will lose any court trial, and then what happens? …. Gonna be verrry interesting.