Connie Hunt receiving recognition for 20 years service from Sen. Kolkhorst and Rep. Geanie Morrison at the Senate District 18 Caucus.
Delegates from Calhoun County recently attended the Texas Republican Convention. Russell Cain, County Chair, was unable to attend the Convention because of some medical problems. It was a great disappointment to all, as he was slated to be a candidate for the National Convention. His leadership was greatly missed. The remaining six delegates all arrived Thursday, May 12 and attended the afternoon Caucus. On Friday and Saturday mornings at 8:00 a.m., they attended Senate and Congressional Caucuses where delegates to the National Convention in June and the State Republican Executive Committee Representatives (SREC) for SD 18 were elected to serve the next two years. Michael Cloud, Victoria GOP County Chair was elected to replace retiring representative Ben Zeller. Congressman Blake Farenthold, Senator Kolkhorst, and Representative Geanie Morrison were all on hand to visit and answer questions.
At the General Sessions in the afternoon we voted on the party platform, the State Chairman, and the two Republican National Committee (NRC) for the next four years. Tom Mechler was reelected as State Party Chair; Dr. Robin Armstrong and Toni Ann Daschel were both reelected to the RNC.
Several planks of the Texas Republican Platform were avidly debated. The most vigorous discussion occurred over Texas’s right to secede. It was so contentious and prolonged that the Convention was forced to go to a paper ballot. The entire body voted plank by plank (266) on a paper ballot. The final platform should be available on line in the next few weeks. Several of the resolutions submitted by the Calhoun County Convention were included in the platform.

Calhoun delegates at Ice Cream Social hosted by Senator Lois Kolkhorst. (L to R) Anne Burt, Jan Faulkner, Judy Torres, Connie Hunt, Kingsley Scott, Jim Faulkner