Members of Calaveras Bike Club and the Carriles Family
On April 23, bikers from around the area, members of the Calavaeras Bike Club, rode into Port O’Connor to participate in a poker run honoring Moe Carriles.
With support from Madden’s Lounge and Dock’s Bar & Grill in Port O’Connor; Bubba’s in Seadrift; Legends in Port Lavaca; and Victoria Harley Davidson and Another Round in Victoria, the club raised funds to go towards the purchase of a headstone for Moe.
Abel “Moe” Carriles passed away two years ago from pancreatic cancer. He was a lifelong shrimper who resided in Port O’Connor. He is buried in Port O’Connor Cemetery.
“It is a beautiful thing to come together in this time of need,” said Club spokesperson Amanda Flores. “We all help each other.”