The Way I See It…by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 19 May 16 - Comments Off on The Way I See It…by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21

“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Working Class Voters in This Election

The most contentious Primary Election in memory continues to bring new drama from the Drama Queens, while facts and the Voters are being ignored and lied about and to. Based on my observation, I offer this report.

On the Dem side, the early Coronation of Queen Hillary as “Presumptive Candidate and Winner”, because it is “Her Turn”, is struggling with the fact that “Old Commie Bernie” Sanders is more popular with the Dem/Socialist voters, and is considered more “honest” by just about everyone. The evidence of her criminal Email set-up and its threats to National Security continue, and if there was any real “Rule of Law” left in the Obama Administration, she would already be indited. She stays in a whirling cloud of corruption accusations, like ‘Pigpen’ and his dirt cloud in the ‘Peanuts’ comics. At least Pigpen’s ‘dirt’ was just physical and would wash off. Hillary’s is of mind-numbingly different types from the “normal” Dem/Socialist political lies, to anti-Feminist attacks on Bill’s sexual assault victims, lying to Congress about Benghazi, selling influence as SecState, flagrant bribe-taking by over-priced “speeches”, violations of Govt Security, to possible bribes to sell American Uranium mines to Russian oligarchs fronting for Putin. Crazy Old Commie Bernie seems a “choir-boy” in comparison, even if he is a life-long Communist and could not hold a job until he went into Liberal Politics. Bernie is Commie, but an “honest Commie” that lives modestly, unlike the Clintons and The Imperial Lifesyle of the Obamas, (at Taxpayers’ expense, of course). The Dem Talking Heads are still pretending she is the slam-dunk nominee even though Bernie is drawing crowds of supporters and votes, but Hillary has the DNC and all the Super-Delegates, plus her trusty lap-dog Media, at least for now. Pre-Indictment, and a with a new movie, CLINTON CASH, Everything is for Sale, coming out, it can’t hold.

The Media and the Pundits of both “Parties” (actually the Uni-Party of the do-nothing Washington Cartel) all agree that Trump has no chance against “Darling Hillary”, so the polls and the voters must all be wrong. The Repubs have talked about growing the Party for years, and now Trump is getting Independents, Hispanics, Blacks, Union workers, and Dems of other types to vote in the Repub Primary and the GOPers and RINOs hate him for it! Figure that out? The RINOs don’t want to lose control of the Party and the Money Bags of contributions. Also Trump might actually make them take a stand and deliver on many years of campaign promises. Quit being scared spitless of the Media calling them “Racist!” if they disagree and criticize Obama and his failed policies. Do the job they were elected for and save the Constitution, the economy, and America. The Establishment hate him because he does the unthinkable – TELLS THE TRUTH, at least as he sees it and looks for workable solutions, not what fits the Party’s Agenda.

“Trump is not a Conservative, Constitutionalist, or Christian”, say his detractors, partly true – he is not an Ideologue of any type, but a Practical Pragmatist! He doesn’t even seem to be a Classical Pragmatist as a philosophy, but only as a tool to recognize problems, find the root causes – not excuses, and then create practical solutions that will benefit the American People and our Economy, not an Agenda, or a clique of political cronies. He may be an “egotist”, but he worked hard to earn it. He is not near as “arrogant” as his critics, but if you attack him, or his family, or his policies unfairly, brace yourself Bucko, ‘cause he is coming at ya. Actually, if you read his books and look at his change and development over the last 25 years, you will find that he is more Conservative, Constitutionalist, and Christian than he claims, or even understands about himself. He simply doesn’t seem to understand “Ideology” as opposed to practical solutions. He is a richer, smarter, better educated example of the “Git ‘er done” Redneck. With lots more connections, and a much bigger “tool box”. Trump talks to people at an understandable level, he talks about real problems and real solutions, and it resonates with the voters. All parties, all economic levels, all races can see he really wants to fix the problems, not adhere to some political agenda, rip off the Taxpayers for his cronies, but get things moving forward again. Put people back to work creating real wealth, affordable energy not idiotic “War on Coal”, We need schools that teach young people English, science, math, and useful skills, not socialism, globalism, and bitterness. In economics it is as true as in the salt – a rising tide lifts all boats. Maybe not always equally, but will get them up from stuck in the mud.

In the Working Class state of West Virginia last Tuesday (5/10/16), Hillary took a beating from Commie Bernie, 36 – 51.4% or 84,176 to 120,231 votes. This is a historically Democrat State, but Trump won the Repub primary with 77% and 151,307, and this is a Closed Primary state, Dems can’t vote in a Repub Primary. What is worse for Hillary is she shellacked Obama in the 2008 Primary, 66.9 to 25.7% with a vote of 240,890. Compared to this time she lost 65% of her support. Exit polls show 33% of Dem voters will vote for Trump and only 44% for Hillary in November. Working people don’t trust Hillary. Some of the Media now moan that she is doomed. Little do they know, Trump and his supporters are just getting started on her, and the evidence against her is there. It goes all the way back to her college thesis on her hero, Saul Alinsky, and after law school she was kicked off the Democrat Judicial Committee investigating Nixon for impeachment for “being a dishonest lawyer”. And that was by Liberal Democrats! I don’t care who you are, THAT IS BAD! And she only got worse. Elitist Criminal Kleptocrat hypocrite running as a “Socialist”? Nah, that won’t work, even for Dem/Socialists. Certainly not for American Working People that were Traditional Democrats..

Longknife 21 may sometimes forget the details from long ago, but his wife will remind him.

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