The Harbor’s Maria T. Walton thanks Donnie Klesel of POC Rod & Gun for his generous donation to the annual Pescado Grande Fishing Tournament to be held in POC June 25th.
The 26th Annual Pescado Grande Fishing Tournament is Friday & Saturday, June 24th & 25th, 2016, at the Port O’Connor Community Center Pavilion. Early registration, by June 22nd, is $75 per person; late registration is $85 & registration for children age 12 & under is $50. Friday night – Registration/Check-in, captain’s meeting, Calcutta, meal and beer garden. Offshore & Bay Fishing begins Saturday morning at 4:30 a.m. w/the tournament weigh-in from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. at the Port O’Connor Community Center Pavilion. Saturday night – tournament prizes, silent auction, raffle drawing, beer garden & fish fry. Additional meal tickets for both evenings may be purchased for $8 each.
For more information contact Maria @ 361-676-8548 or Karen @ 361-652-8152 or via email at the.pescadogrande@gmail.com or The Harbor website: www.harboradvocacycenter.org.
All proceeds benefit The Harbor Children’s Alliance & Victim Center whose mission is to protect the welfare of children of Calhoun County. The Harbor is a Children’s Advocacy Center located in Port Lavaca serving all of Calhoun County. The Harbor is a United Way agency.