Big smiles, just a bigger one with the bigger fish. Why is that?
-Capt. Jeff Larson
Incredible Month!!! Trout, Reds, Flounder, Kings, Lings, Red Snapper, Sharks, and the list goes on and on. What do you want to catch? June is setting up for some crazy catching action. Pick your game fish and go for it.
Let’s wrap May up real quick. Great trout action! Using tops, tails, croaks, shrimp, even cut bait landed a few nice trout while fishing for reds with cut bait. It usually happens during May. Redfish seemed to scatter some days and weren’t as consistent as the month before. We also had some great flounder gigging trips. Walking or Riding, both were fantastic. Flounder gigging out of a boat is best during high tides. High tides make for tough working conditions. May was great and the 1st of June has been off the charts.
The first couple of weeks in June have been fantastic for trout. We have had an influx of fresh water due to the recent flooding to the north of us. This weather pattern is setting up the same fishing patterns similar as last year.
The other day we had a day off so as any good fisherman would do Garret, Matt and myself went on a late morning wade with croakers and within an hour we had our limits of trout. Now these two local youngsters are hard core like most everyone that lives here is. They wanted to keep going and not stop there. Hey get your Mowdy and let’s run offshore, okay perfect. Limits of Red Snapper in an hour. Luckily the seas were flat with 1 ft swells every 9 seconds. Smooth as glass. On the short ride back through the jetties, we start thinking, hey, let’s go floundering. They planned on going early and I detoured later that night. We went separate ways floundering and ended up gigging limits of flat fish. It was a harvesting marathon. We had an epic day of fishing, one for the record books. Now we can have Bubba Gump Fish a hundred different ways, fried fish, grilled fish, sautéed fish, stuffed fish…. You get the picture.
The weather continues to be rainy this week making June a hot muggy month which makes for some unpredictable weather. With this type of crazy weather, fishermen need to be flexible when they decide on going out between thunder storms plus have some good rain gear. Simms Fishing Products are worth their weight in gold. Don’t push your luck wait awhile. The weather here will change in a few hours. The barometric going crazy with the different storms coming and going can really turn on the bite.
For example, Capt Benny and I waited several hours to run offshore to try some new Ted Snapper Spots. We were less than 2 miles from a wreck offshore when a Thunder Storm cut us off going to the new secret wreck that everyone knows about. We were so close to having our limit of Big Sow Snapper. 5 minutes we would be there and be finished with our limits. BUT no, the storm was sending lightning all around us plus buckets of rain. Ugh, we had to turn around and head to an old secret spot which held our limits of small Snapper. Disappointed yes we didn’t get to try and break the State Record but glad we lived to live another day with fresh Snapper fillets. Then it happened to me again the very next day but this time diverted to a rig that held big ones and wasn’t in a storms way. So, always be smart enough to make another plan when the weather is about to cross your path.
Be smart, don’t take chances in the bay or offshore when there are bad weather cells all around you.
The Lodge has been rather busy so call Scott to find your opening. 361 785 DUCK.
Keep your rain gear close, maintain your bilge pump and fish between thee storms.
Captain Jeff Larson, 281 217 0399