Congratulations, Callie Wright!
Miss Shrimpfest 2016

Little Miss Shrimpfest Pageant Winners
Christina Ragusin – Little Miss Shrimpfest & Best Dressed
McKenna Boedecker – First Runner Up
Brianna Castillo – Second Runner Up
Other Pageant Winners:
Baby Mister Shrimpfest – Michael Patrick Brown III
Baby Miss Shrimpfest – Paislee Maikoeter
Tiny Miss Shrimpfest – Victoria Rodriguez
Teeny Miss Shrimpfest – Paige Davenport
2016 Shrimpfest 5K By the Bay Run/Walk Winners
Female Division
Ages 20-29 1st – Whitney Drew; 2nd- Candice Maddux
Ages 30-39 1st – Ashley Wooters; 2nd – Tiara Procyk;
3rd- Elizabeth McDaniel
Ages 40-49 1st – Margaret Schupbach; 2nd- Diana Gates;
3rd – Carrie Caruso
Ages 50-59 1st – Silvia Gonzalez; 2nd- Sylvia Loya
Ages 60-69 1st- Chris Scroggs; 2nd- Barbara Campbell;
3rd – Joanne Mueller
Ages 70-75 1st – Muriel Costello; 2nd – Reese Vaughn
Male Division
Ages 9 & under 1st – Brayden Brown (1 mile);
1st – Levi Strauss (5K)
Ages 10- 14 1st – Keaton Cady; 2nd – Spencer Allen;
3rd- Ayden Maddux
Ages 15-19 1st- Benny Stalcup
Ages 20-29 1st – Cody Maddux
Ages 30-39 1st – Michael Brown
Ages 40-49 1st- Michael Allen; 2nd- Bart Strauss;
3rd- Jerry White
Ages 50-59 1st – Randall Goode
Ages 60-69 1st Mike Mueller
Ages 70-79 1st – Reese Stalcup; 2nd- Bob Melnar
Shrimpfest Shrimp Eating Contest:
1st – Ty (Big Country) Weltel
2nd – Marcus Carabajal

Shrimpfest Volleyball Tournament Winners “Above The Net”
Niko Salinas, Jacqulynn Pacini, Gianna Salinas,
Josh Fox, Michael Olvera, Paige Poth

Shrimpfest Gumbo Cook-off Winner
Team Shore Nuff Good

1st Place Horseshoe Winners
Rhonda Braun (Seadrift) & Laurie Luna (Houston)

2nd Place Horseshoe Winners
Briana Florus and Mandi Prichard (Columbus)

1st Place Washers –
Ben Plummer, Ronnie Gooden

2nd Place Washers
Rusty Knezek, Mark Tobola

The inaugural Shrimpfest Kayak Fishing Tournament had 23 participants; 16 of them were Veterans. Heroes of the Water-Coastal Bend Chapter came from Corpus and brought kayaks for ten folks to use. Redfish: 1st place Jacoby Bussell; 2nd- Angel Nguyen; 3rd- Rene Rodriguez. Trout: 1st place Rene Rodriguez; 2nd & 3rd- Eric Sancez
1st Annual Shrimpfest Fishing Tournament
Sponsored By Bay Flats Lodge
Winners Results:
Combined Stringer:
1st place- 34.37lbs-$6,300
Team Waterloo – Jimmy Burns, Michael Urban, Brett Caron,
Bartt Caron
2nd place-34.12lbs- $3,150
Team Fish Hawgs – Benji Ondreas Cody Barton, Bobby Lambright
Remington Maddux
3rd Place-32.18lbs- $1,050
Team Slow Roll – Chris Castillo, Bert Allison, Daigen Barnes,
Mike Massey
Big Red:
1st Place-7.38lbs- $1,085
Team Hawg Hunters – Marco Martinez, Daniel Sertuche
2nd place-7.30lbs-$465
Team Fish Hawgs – Benji Ondreas, Cody Barton, Bobby Lambright, Remington Maddux
Big Trout:
1st Place-5.51lbs-$1,015
Team Slow Roll – Chris Castillo, Bert Allison, Daigen Barnes,
Mike Massey
2nd Place-5.17lbs-$435
Team Dow #2 – Brian Gonzales, Joe Ramirez, Ruben Rios,
Felix Vasquez
Redfish Spot Pot:
1st place- 10 spots- $700
Team Hawg Hunters – Marco Martinez, Daniel Sertuche
Big Other:
1st place- 22.70lb Gar- $625
Team Fish Hawgs – Benji Ondreas, Cody Barton,
Bobby Lambright,, Remington Maddux

Shrimpfest Open Fishing Tournament Winners – 1st Place Team Waterloo
Bart Caron, Brett Caron, Jimmy Burns, Michael Urban
(Names of members of both teams not necessarily in order as pictured.)

2nd Place Open Fishing Tournament – Team Fish Hawgs
Cody Barton, Remington Maddux, Bobby Lambright, Benji Ondreas
Shrimpfest Kids’ Fishing Tournament Results
Total kids participating: 38 (20 were girls)
Age breakout. 2-5: 13. 6-9: 19. 10-12: 6.
Total fish caught: 73
2-5 largest fish: Anabel Longoria, Roystn Semmler,
Crockett Guenther (8 1/2 inches)
2-5 smallest fish: Roystn Semmler (4 1/2 inches)
6-9 largest fish: Saige Carter (13 1/2 inches)
6-9 smallest fish: Adysen Janacek ( 5 inches)
10-12 largest fish: Laney Hammond, Keagan Taylor (13 inches)
10-12 smallest fish: Alyssa Reyna (5 inches)
Largest crab: Tatum Semmler (6 1/2 inches)
Smallest crab: Keagan Tayler, Jaxson Key (1/4 inches)
Hard luck presented by TPWD: Clay Brumfield
Most Fish any age: Saige Carter (15 fish)
Most Crab: Jaxson Key (6 crabs)
2nd largest fish any age: Laney Hammond, Keagan Taylor
3rd largest fish any age: Beth Boone, Layton Davenport
Shrimpfest Great Golf Cart Scavenger Hunt
The heat didn’t deter the scavenger hunt teams from coming out to test their detective skills on Saturday, June 18, at the Seadrift Chamber of Commerce Golf Cart Hunt. With twelve teams participating, people of all ages tried to find objects around the town. There were teams like “Czechs on the Prowl” to “Puppy Monkey Baby” buzzing around enjoying the challenge.
In the end, two teams ended with the top scores. First place went to the ““Blue Ninjas with a score of 275 and second went to “Find the Flamingo” with 265.
There will be another scavenger hunt in December, so come join in on the fun!