Republican Club Meets by Connie Hunt

Archived in the category: Events, General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Aug 16 - Comments Off on Republican Club Meets by Connie Hunt
L to R: Bobby Vickery, candidate for County Sheriff; Anna Kabela, candidate for District Clerk; Republican Chairman Russell Cain; Justice of the Peace Pct. 5, Nancy Pomykal; US Congressman Blake Farenthold.

L to R: Bobby Vickery, candidate for County Sheriff; Anna Kabela, candidate for District Clerk; Republican Chairman Russell Cain; Justice of the Peace Pct. 5, Nancy Pomykal; US Congressman Blake Farenthold.

The Calhoun County Republican Club hosted a luncheon informational/membership meeting on  August 1st, which was well attended.  American Legion Past Commander, and County Veteran Service Officer, Ron Langford, gave the opening prayer.  American Legion Adjutant, Jerry McClendon, led the American and Texas pledges.

Congressman Blake Farenthold attended, along with his Corpus District Rep. J.D.Kennedy, and our own Dist. Rep, Carol Wootton.  Congressman Farenthold spoke about this November election and the need to get out and vote — even if you don’t think Trump is perfect.  Blake said even if you agree with only 80% of what our candidate says, that is far and above what the Democrats stand for.  Remember, you are not only electing a President, your vote will shape the makeup of the Supreme Court for the rest of your life.  Following the meeting, Congressman Farenthold visited with attendees and answered questions.

Nancy Pomykal, Precinct 5 JP, gave a great presentation on the history, duties, ethics of a Judge. In November 1989,  Nancy was the first Republican and the first woman to ever be elected in Calhoun County.  Nancy has served continually since January 1990, mentoring many new JP’s who have been elected, regardless of party.  Nancy emphasized a judge MUST remain impartial when performing the duties of the office and adhere to all 8 Canons set down by the Texas Judicial Ethics Commission.
A huge thank you to all our guests.  It took Russell at least five minutes to introduce our 24 guests which included Port Lavaca City  and Calhoun County officials, Candidates Anna Kabela (County Clerk); Bobbie Vickery (County Sheriff) wife Rhea and daughterr Hayley; Clyde Syma (Prec #3 Commissioner) and wife Sherry; Willie Wooldridge (2018 candidate for Prec #4 Commissioner) and his lovely wife, Connie; and Rob Barjenbruch, Farm Bureau Ins.

Trump yard signs ($10); Bumper Stickers and Buttons ($5) are available at our Headquarters at Russell Cain Real Estate, Hwy 35.  We sold out of “Make America Great” caps; however a new order of both Red caps and White caps (ladies request) is now in.  People want free yard signs but the party purchased these signs (printed by Eclipse) and we must recoup our costs.  The caps, bumper stickers, and buttons were donated to raise funds for our candidates.  Every item you purchase will help our local candidates to get their message out.  Come out, BUY, and VOTE REPUBLICAN!!

Headquarters number: 552-6313 (Lisa Peterson)


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