Retired Teachers Elect Officers

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Sep 16 - Comments Off on Retired Teachers Elect Officers
District III Texas Retired Teachers Association 2016-2018 Officers (L to R) Daryl Lau, Goliad, Treasurer; Linda Gamertsfelder, Palacios, Secretary; Becky Williams, Beeville, 2nd Vice President; Jimmy Murrile, East Bernard, 1st Vice President; Dick Nance, Hallettsville

District III Texas Retired Teachers Association 2016-2018 Officers
(L to R) Daryl Lau, Goliad, Treasurer; Linda Gamertsfelder, Palacios, Secretary; Becky Williams, Beeville, 2nd Vice President; Jimmy Murrile, East Bernard, 1st Vice President; Dick Nance, Hallettsville

District III Texas State Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) is planning an eventful and informational year as local retired educators and school personnel join in promoting and protecting annuity and retirement benefits and wellness programs from the Texas State Teacher Retirement System. Included in District Three TRTA are Bee, Calhoun, Colorado, DeWitt, Goliad, Jackson, Karnes, Lavaca, Matagorda, Refugio, Victoria, Wharton and Yoakum counties.

The upcoming Fall 2016 District Three Convention and Workshop will be held October 20th in the Hallettsville First United Methodist Church with guest speaker, Tim Lee, Executive Director of the Texas State Retired Teachers Association. For the past twenty years, Lee has championed adequate and consistent contributions to pension funds and worked with Texas Legislators to create a well-funded pension trust fund.

Founded by retired teachers and educators in 1953, the Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) is the largest association in the nation for retired teachers and school personnel. In addition, more than 80,000 members have a history of active involvement in the well-being of their communities. The Texas Teachers Retirement System is one of the healthiest state pension plans not presently coordinated with Social Security and is the envy of many state pension plans. In 2015, TRTA members contributed nearly 6 million hours of community volunteer service valued at more than $138 million.

Local Officers of the Calhoun County Retired Teachers Association include Joanne Mueller President; Mary Ann Claiborne First Vice President; Lynn Pfiefer Second Vice President; Recording Secretary Wanda Flisowski; Treasurer Pat Herren.

Next meeting is September 20, 2016 at the Heritage Center. For membership and meeting information, contact Joanne Mueller at 361 785 2354.

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