The Way I See It…by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Sep 16 - Comments Off on The Way I See It…by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21

“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.
Understanding Hillary

We are less than 2 months away from the most important election in our lifetime, probably since 1860. There is much polarizing rhetoric, disinformation, and out-right lies being circulated by both strong supporters and paid propagandists. I strongly recommend that everyone take the time to read Dinesh D’Souza’s
Hillary’s America to get an in depth study of Hillary Clinton and also Gary Byrne’s Crisis of Character. Both are available from the County Library.

Hillary’s America explains the history of the Democrat Party, the effects of the “Progressives” on both parties, how the young Marxist Saul Alinsky used his experience studying the gangs of Chicago to create his brand of “Community Organizing” for power and profit, and how his followers like Hillary Rodham and Barack Obama have used his “Rules for Radicals” to fundamentally change the Democrat Party and American politics. It explains that the new “Democrat” political dynamic is “politics as war”. The constant divisiveness and infighting is intentional to shift attention from what is really happening. They promise a ‘Utopian Socialism’ but radicalize the socialists and youthful idealists into so many directions that the only thing ever really accomplished is UnConstitutional growth of govt and usurpation of power by the Federal Govt and political “Insiders”. These “Insiders” network together to push a Globalist Agenda to be administered by the “Intellectual & Political Elite”, namely themselves, for their power and profit. And I mean truly “obscene profits” based not on any economic production, but only on political and financial manipulation. The Clinton Foundation and Obama’s “Green Energy Projects” are examples of shifting huge amounts of Govt money to Crony Capitalists that produce nothing of use or value to the Tax Payers. But they provide huge political pay-offs and “contributions” to the politicians involved.

Also they give themselves “socialist control” over business, trade, immigration, energy, and property rights, but take no responsibility for the failures. It has become a kind of “inverted fascism”; govt control, not to increase production & efficiency, but to create waste, failures, and chaos. And the “Solution” is always more Govt control, more bureaucracy & regulation, and spend more Govt money we don’t have. And always borrow more money “into existence” to support the Welfare State that buys votes as it destroys people, families, and communities. This also destroys the value of dollars in circulation, savings, and investments.

Crisis of Character was written by a Secret Service Uniform Division agent that served in the White House, and focuses on the Clinton’s behavior. This is a “must read” for those that get their info from the Mainstream Media, and a confirmation of the worst suspicions of those that have distrusted the Clintons. The real Hillary Clinton reveals herself to the “servants” in the White House, and it is not the same as the polished professional image shown on TV. Read the book for all the details.

As we approach the election, more and more frightening information is coming out about Hillary’s past, the Clinton Foundation, her conduct as Sec State – selling influence and supporting our enemies like the Muslim Brotherhood, lack of obtaining any goals, and her constant lying. “The Smartest Woman in the World” is best remembered for her lack of memory in Congressional Investigations and FBI questioning, plus her, “At this point, what difference does it make?” She wants to be President, acts like it is her due, but can not or will not obey the simplest regulations on handling Classified Material. She “does not recall” any of the Security briefings, but signed the “Nondisclosure Form” saying she had, and she understood rules and the penalties for failure. In recent FBI interrogation she answered “could not recall” to 39 (or more) important questions. Her supporters excuse this for the possible brain damage she suffered as a result of a concussion 4 years ago. If she is that “brain damaged”, she should not be in any ‘Office of Responsibility’ much less President.

The evidence points to the fact that Hillary Clinton “willfully, knowingly, and intentionally” used an unsecured Email server for State Dept official business because she did not want her correspondence subject to Freedom of Information Requests. This demonstrates criminal intent. She often sent Classified Information on this unsecured server, even when marked (C). Some of this info was so Classified that it can not even be revealed to Congress! Hillary lied about sending any Official Emails. When proven she did, she lied about not ever sending Classified Emails. When proven she did, she lied about not ever sending emails that were marked Classified. When proven she did, she now says she didn’t know what (C) meant, and did not get the Security briefings. She is in clear violation of laws that require the offender to be punished by fine and prison, and be banned from ever holding any Public Office. Clearly there are only two possibilities: she is psychotic or brain damaged to the point of legal incompetence, or she is Guilty of all of the above. Either way, she should not be President and it is possibly criminal for anyone to even suggest that she be elected President.

I believe that her arrogance and psychosis has reached the point of “Legal Incompetence”. Perhaps it would be cruel to put her in prison, even if she greatly deserves it; but she definitely needs to be removed from public life, and be closely supervised by mental health professionals. Plus there is now growing evidence that she has serious physical problems that may be contributing to her mental lapses and irresponsibility.

The Clinton Foundation should be investigated under RICO laws. Clinton Cash by Peter Schweizer is another book that every voter should read, also available through the library. That ‘charitable foundation’ is a huge ‘money laundering operation’ that has taken in hundreds of millions of cash and billions in “pledges” from around the world. Many from people and organizations with “issues” before the State Dept. It has been widely described as “Pay to Play” in the media. Millions, even billions of dollars in fines could be recoverable and applied to the Federal Debt. And dozens of people should be prosecuted or turn States evidence. It truly is a ‘Racketeer Influenced and Criminal Organization’, and run ‘at Tax Payer expense’.

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