Port O’Connor Community BBQ Cook-off by Darla Parker

Archived in the category: Announcements, Events, General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Oct 16 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Community BBQ Cook-off by Darla Parker

There is absolutely nothing greater than a community uniting together, and joining forces to achieve wonderful goals. That’s exactly what the town of Port O’Connor is doing on Saturday, November 12, 2016. Together, The Friends of the Port O’Connor Library, The Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce, and the Port O’Connor Community Service Club are having a BBQ Cook-off, with all proceeds donated towards the new library to be built in POC.

The BBQ Cook-off will be open to the public from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the POC Community Center Pavilion. Cookers are encouraged to sign up and come out to have some good old fashion FUN. This NOT being a sanctioned BBQ cook-off, we are hoping that our locals will team up, bring your pits out and show us what you can do! Starting at 12:00 noon there will be a Bloody Mary contest, followed by judging of meats, beans, and dessert throughout the afternoon. A People’s Choice award will allow visitors to purchase a wrist band, sampling the various foods, and voting for their favorite team. BBQ sandwiches will be sold, as well as beer and other soft drinks.

As this is also Veteran’s Day weekend, we will have a raising of new flags at the Community Center, to include the American, Texas, and a POW flag. In the works are possibly a demonstration to show the proper way to destroy your old, damaged flags. We are also encouraging our local Veterans to come out and join us, as they too will be recognized during this ceremony. This program will commence around 2:00 p.m.

Family fun is what it’s all about. Kids are welcome and there will be activities for them as well. There will be an art contest for the young, with judging and awards to be given at a later date. Face painting, and a spin wheel will also be available for the youngsters.

Later in the evening, live music will be provided by our very own local, Todd Dorn and the Seadrifters! Put your dancing shoes on and plan on some music of every genre. Remember, we are a community coming TOGETHER, working TOGETHER, and having fun TOGETHER!!!

If you are interested in joining us as a cooking team or vendor, the application can be found at www.portoconnorchamber.com or you can contact Darla Parker at 713-857-0482. We hope you will participate, and if not, please come out and join the fun…. IT’S ALL FOR THE COMMUNITY!!!


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