The Way I See It…by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Oct 16 - Comments Off on The Way I See It…by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21

Politics, and Our Election Choice

When this paper actually hits the streets. there will only be 17 more days to what may be the most important election in our history. It has been the most contentious campaign in memory, in the primaries and in the General, with the surviving Major Party Candidates being probably the most generally disliked candidates ever fielded by either party, and running against each other.

There has been a huge amount of disinformation and propagandizing for and against both major candidate in an attempt to “Personalize” the Election. WHY? Because the Powers-That-Be loath and fear Trump, but don’t dare argue the Issues with him.

Of all the serious issues facing us today, the overwhelming one is really the Big Govt inertia of the Status Quo. The Politicos like the mess that they have made of the Federal Govt, and they mean to keep it that way. A basic rule of “Governing” is they must have an “Enemy” to motivate the citizens and voters to support their cause. The more totalitarian the govt, the greater the threat the “Enemy” must present or the citizens will not follow. The politicians pretend great striving for their different causes, but have in fact created a “Uni-Party”. The Goal of politicians is to be re-elected, and the goal of bureaucrats is to expand the bureaucracy, thereby rising in pay and power, guaranteeing continued employment. For both, producing anything of value is strictly optional, only the APPEARANCE of providing some necessary service is important. Currently, the “Ds” hold the greatest power by a Usurper President/Dictator using extra-legal “Executive Orders” and the “Regulating Power” of the Bureaucracies, coupled with “Activist Judges” that refuse to enforce the Constitution and “Constitutional Law” previously passed. They maintain that “Global Warming” and “Poverty” are our greatest “Enemies”, and they should be given unlimited power and money to “fight” these threats. The “Rs” loosely control Congress, but refuse to actually do anything to restore Constitutional and Lawful Govt. They are afraid of the Media on one hand, and enjoy the constant flow of Political Donations from patriotic Citizens that want Constitutional Govt, and Special Interest lobbyists that want Govt Favoritism. They have reached a sort of “Balance of Power” with the ‘Ds’ where as long the “Social Changes”are allowed with only ineffectual bombastic criticism, the ‘Rs’ can reap their contributions without any responsibility to actually DO ANYTHING. Conversely, while the ‘Ds’ constantly rail against the “Rich”, they take Billions in Campaign Donations and let them run the FED as long as the Federal Debt is grown continuously, creating unlimited Debt-Money for the Lib/Prog Agenda.

Our Constitutional Republic and Liberty has always been just “one generation” from being extinguished, but now perhaps it is only this one election away. The Liberal Progressives who control the once “Democrat Party” are Globalist, Socialist, and Elitist with no real concern for individual freedom other than “A Woman’s Right to an Abortion”- at Taxpayer expense. The Republican Party is controlled by ancient RINOs whose goals are to maintain their control, get more contributions, and maintain the Status Quo. Donald J. Trump has come out to challenge both the bad direction of the International Socialist Democrats, and the Do-Nothing Inertia of the RINOs.

Trump is a “Flawed Candidate”, just like George S. Patton was a “Flawed General” in WW II. But the Real Political Problem is he has no dedication to anyone’s “Agenda”, or any tolerance for their excuses. We are in deep trouble as a nation, have serious problems, and need effective solutions. First, stop doubling down on bad decisions. We don’t need more poor, uneducated, dependent population. We need development, re-industrialization, and jobs, not more globalist trade deals. We need education, not socialist indoctrination. We need a strong military for defense, not to squander on being the World’s Policeman, Meals-on-Wheels, or Building Democracies out of Tribal Hell-holes. We need to stop importing “refugees” that hate us and our culture. Once we have full employment for our citizens, and most of the 40+ million of foreign immigrants start to assimilate rather than demand we change our culture and laws to suit them, and we can actually document the immigrants we can accept, then we can think about a new immigration plan. All of these things are what any intelligent leader would do for his country, but these simple truths have been ignored in D.C. for over 30 years. Trump is like Patton was, a pragmatist that wants to solve the problems and get America moving again. If somebody is “whining about getting their toes stepped on”, they better move their feet.

Trump is a huge threat to to “Left”, the so-called “Right”, the Media, The Lobbyists, and all the Internationalists because he wants to Make America Great Again. He is not beholden to anyone but the Voters, and all the above groups HATE that!! And the reason that they really fear and loath him is he might just be able to fulfill some of his promises that actually will benefit most Americans, something that hasn’t happened since Reagan and the destruction of the Soviet Union. And he wants to expose those responsible for past failure, waste, criminality, and theft of Govt funds. Only real consequences will stop it from sliding back to this mess in the future.

Hillary is proven Alinskyite, using socialism to buy votes to elevate herself to power. She is an Elitist, but always “for sale”, while pretending to be “Progressive”, but is really a totalitarian that wants the power for herself and her cronies, with absolutely no regard for the Constitution, or We the People.

If you want another 4 years of that, then vote for anyone other than Trump, or simply don’t vote. Trump, however ‘imperfect’, is the only real choice, if you want the Union to survive.

The only other chance for Liberty – freedom, prosperity, and individual responsibility – to survive, . . will ultimately be secession.

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