Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Nov 16 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

What a delight it was for us to host the ladies of Project Hope. I believe these ladies, who have struggled with life-controlling issues, left the Chapel with a renewed sense of confidence that they were going to make the changes necessary this time! The Chapel family provided a great fellowship meal for all of us, which provided additional time for us to get to know them and build stronger bonds with them that result in additional prayers for them. I am sure we will be welcoming them back!

Our men’s group built a 12-foot tall cross and planted it in front of our Hallettsville church. It was great to have our men take an idea and implement it. What a blessing for us to witness Pastor Jr and some of his congregation as some wept for joy as they saw their cross stand on their church property. It said to them many things, including that others were praying and believing for them as they work to build a new church.

We have been called upon to be away for some of the services at the Chapel recently and so appreciate the ministry of Pastor Jesse and Pastor James, who have filled this pulpit for us. It is always great to have help and it is wonderful for us for we have Great Helpers!

It is always a great joy to be a part of the Annual Community Thanksgiving Service, which was hosted this year at First Baptist. It is refreshing when the community of faith gets together to praise the Lord, much like the first Pilgrims did in 1621.

Our ladies have been meeting to create different items to be given away to some needy people in this community. Since I am not directly involved in it, I do not know exactly what all the sewing machines and craft items are being used for, but I know it is to show the love of Christ to someone during these holidays. I do know that the ladies will be meeting on December 2 to decorate the Chapel and on December 8 for a cookie exchange.

The Chapel will be hosting an All-Church Fellowship on Sunday, November 20, where we will all come together at 6:00 p.m. and enjoy a fish fry. I am sure most do not have a fish fry for Thanksgiving dinner, so we feel it will be great to have one just to get together and say “Thanks!” Everyone is invited!

Our annual Christmas Party will be on Sunday evening, December 18, and Christmas Caroling will be on December 21. These are special events and everyone is invited to be a part of them!

The Chapel is an interdenominational congregation whose goals include helping lost humanity find Christ! We are an extremely blessed people and believe in saying “thanks” by being what the Lord has created us to be. One will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel and all are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

Se nos ha llegado el tiempo donde recordamos el día de dar gracias. Es muy poco las veces en que realmente le damos gracias a Dios por lo que El hace. Nuestro Dios nos ha dado muchas razones para darle gracias. Él nos dio la vida y nos protege a todo momento. Nos ha dado su hijo Jesucristo como salvador y su Espíritu Santo como quía.

En estos tiempos es importante reconocer que sin la misericordia de nuestro Dios, sería imposible vivir una vida llena de amor y paz. No digo que todo es simple amor, sino que con Dios las cosas se hacen posibles en vez de faltar en nuestra vida. Cada día que vivimos es un día de bendición. Cada día que tenemos de vernos y gozarnos es bendición. Esperamos que en todo podamos darle gracias a nuestro Dios.

Este ano esta para cambiar y necesitamos tener nuestro corazón y vida en Cristo. La Navidad también vendrá pronto y muchos cambios vendrán en el año nuevo. Lo que es constante es el amor and poder que tenemos en el Señor Jesucristo. Espero que tengan un Día de Dar Gracias lleno de bendiciones y la Navidad también con gozo y alegría en que Dios mando su hijo para darnos una vida nueva.

Que Dios los bendiga y les llene de bendiciones. La biblia nos dice en Filipenses 4:13 Todo lo puedo en Cristo que me fortalece. Feliz Día de dar Gracias, Feliz Navidad y Feliz Año Nuevo.

Pastor Jesse C. Alderete, Fisherman’s Chapel 361-482-9485

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