Reflections by Phil Ellenberger

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Nov 16 - Comments Off on Reflections by Phil Ellenberger

Somehow it seems right that all the major polls were wrong about the election. Many of us are probably glad that the campaign is over. However, the adventure is not over. We know things will be different.

It is refreshing to realize that those of us in the middle of the country and a precious few on the east and west coast have been heard. As one who has spent many years of his life with a president I didn’t vote for, I am saddened to see many protests with signs that say “not my President” or worse. As one who has studied history and knows we have had presidents who were not particularly good guys, I am comforted that the electoral system has worked. Perhaps those protesters should read a little history. Or, as some have suggested take citizenship in another country..

To boot, Calhoun County made some big changes. The incumbents were not reelected. The people have moved into term limits with a vengeance.

But enough of politics, Holidays are coming up. Many of us can remember a time when Black Friday was the day after Thanksgiving. This year we have Black Friday events from November first on.

It boggles my mind that marketers and such can somehow turn that one day thing into a month or more. What will happen with cyber Monday or small business day?

Don’t get me wrong. As the resident tightwad I do love sales. As an aging dinosaur I just don’t need to buy as much as I used to. Heck, I’ve shoes that I haven’t worn in ages. In fact, I buy little except E-books and a few Chai Tea Lattes.

Speaking of dinosaurs I really enjoyed a line in a recent viewing of the TV show Blue Bloods. The commissioner, aka Tom Selleck, had been accused of being one. He reluctantly agreed. But, his PR man disagreed by pointing out that dinosaurs are extinct and that he, the commissioner, still roamed the earth. I felt proud to still be roaming myself.

Those thing being said, I can look forward to Thanksgiving. This is in spite of the apparent neglect. Except, of course, the Grocery and other food sellers are busy with their hams and turkeys, I believe cranberry sauce has fallen by the wayside.

One possible positive result from the earlier and earlier advent of Christmas in the entertainment and marketing world might be the actual increase in the real Christmas spirit.

This year is turning into a year of change. Change is what the Universe does with persistent regularity. We folks here tend to get stuck in a groove. Or worse yet tend to let Entropy take control. That constant movement towards disorder and chaos is one of the sadder laws of physics. It is nice when, even for a brief time we attempt to change things and make the Universe a better place. It is a fond wish I and many of my friends over the years have had.

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