What’s Happening at First Baptist Church? by Doyle Adams

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Nov 16 - Comments Off on What’s Happening at First Baptist Church? by Doyle Adams

Everyone at the Church has been busy the past several weeks. The BIG EVENT for all our Churches in Port O’Connor was Sunday Evening, November 13, when we celebrated our Annual Joint Thanksgiving Service with all three of our local Churches. The Big Service this year was at First Baptist Church. The service was held last week and if you missed it, you missed a Big Blessing!

The Thanksgiving message was delivered by Father Tommy Chen. The First Baptist Church Choir sang a beautiful inspirational song and Kelly Gee sang an outstanding solo.

A Special love offering was taken to help in filling the Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Baskets for Port O’Connor needy families. I will give a more complete report on this outstanding Annual Port O’Connor Event in the next Dolphin Talk.

On Saturday, November 19, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m., we will be saying “Farewell” to Barbara and Jimmy Crouch in our Fellowship Hall, with a “Come and Go” party. Everyone is invited to this very special event. Come and enjoy the fellowship and refreshments.

On Sunday Morning, December 18, at our 11:00 a.m. service we will observe the ordinance of the “Lord’s Supper” and our Choir will present their Christmas Music Program. Everyone is invited to attend this Special Service.

On Sunday Evening, December 18 at 6:00 p.m., in Fellowship Hall, the Church will Celebrate the Quarterly “Birthday Bash”, celebrating all Birthdays in October, November and December. After the Birthday Celebration, we will have the Annual Church Christmas Party. The Party is a White Elephant Party and a lot of fun, food, and fellowship!! Bring some outlandish wrapped gift and come prepared for a fun time!

See you in Church Sunday!!

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