Home > November, 2016
Family Fun Holiday Celebration in Seadrift
Thank You for Benefit
Thank You Thank you for your kindness, generosity, time and effort that you put into making the benefit such a huge success. Words can not express how we feel! With love, The Carriles Family
Santa Claus is Coming to Town!
Come visit Santa Claus on Sunday, December 11th at 1:00 p.m. Port O’Connor Fire Station
Christmas Outdoor Lighting Contest
Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce Christmas Outdoor Lighting Contest Judging December 14, 15, 16 To enter, send your contact information, along with the Port O’Connor residence or business address to be judged, to: Beverly Clifton at 361-220-1583 or email: beverlyclifton@live.com
City Purchases New Vehicles
At 20+ years, Seadrift’s old fire truck has reached an age that it is no longer ISO certified without major repairs and refurbishment. The cost of repairs and refurbishment would exceed a reasonable return on the required investment for recertification. The old truck’s piping and pumps are in an advanced stage of deterioration and corrosion, […]