Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce Directors
Elected as Directors of the POC Chamber for the coming year are (left to right): John Reneau, Don Haynes, Laurie Junek, Darla Parker, Mary Francis Bauer, Donna Vuichard, Mary Jo Walker, Dawn Ragusin, Troy Wygrys, and Ronna Fishbeck (not pictured). Election of officers will be held at the January meeting.
-Photo by Bill Tigrett
Another year has come and gone. The Chamber always has a lot going on in December. On the 3rd was the 25th Annual Lighted Boat Parade on the ICW. We were blessed with 14 boats; most of these were the brave people bringing toys from Freeport to our community; this was their 14th year. These are some of the most courageous and dedicated people you’ve ever seen. They bring toys, which the POC Service Club distributes in our community and surrounding area. Volunteers from the Chamber fed these amazing people BarBQ sandwiches and trimmings. THANKS to all you ladies and guys.
Next on the list, was the Annual Chamber Christmas Party. Thanks to Joanie Morgan for heading this event. The election for 2017 directors and officers was held (see photo at left), along with live entertainment and snacks- just a good ole’ social get together.
If you have not been by King Fisher Park, please do so. Sharon Sanders volunteered to decorate again this. She does a fabulous job on decorations and puts in many hours, getting all just right. The Chamber “THANKS” to all the volunteers that give so much to this community.
In the works for 2017 is the Annual Crawfish Fest. You can mark your calendar for 2017, April 29th, featuring music by Josh Ward. The Chamber will be looking for sponsors, so when preparing your budget for 2017 hopefully you can add this for a donation. This is the biggest money maker to help make most of the events the Chamber sponsors possible.
Our next meeting will be January 9th, 6:30 p.m. at the POC Community Center–Come out and get involved!!!
New Members:
Michelle’s Flooring & Design
Clips and Dips Dog Grooming
If you would like to join our effort contact us: 361poc@gmail.com 361-983-2898 portoconnorchamber.com
Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce wishes you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!