Seadrift School Second Graders sing Christmas songs at First National Bank, Seadrift
-Photo by Collin Anderson
When I was just a child, I danced in a recital to the tune ‘I got the Chicken Pox for Christmas.’ We wore pink footie pajamas and fake pox marks on our face. Funny thing is I then got the real Chicken Pox for Christmas and was confined to my house for almost the entire Christmas holiday. No parties, no, shopping, no visiting Santa. My daddy hired a helper Santa to come to our home and visit my little sister and me while we were sick. We were so excited. It was a special treat. I have wondered if Daddy told the man we were contagious. I don’t know if he did or not, but he came and shared his Christmas Day with us.
My Daddy often said attitudes and outlooks are contagious too. He would ask us if ours was worth catching. Is your holiday spirit worth catching? Is your holiday outlook spreading joy or woe? As you celebrate this holiday season, maybe you have reason to not celebrate. Are you lonely, grieving for one you miss, struggling to make your obligations, feeling overwhelmed?
Please do not stay in the isolation you feel. You do not have to sing carols and wear light up sweaters to celebrate. Maybe you need quiet reflection and music soft as falling snow. Maybe you wish for gentle words and friendly care instead of jolly ho, ho ho’s. That’s okay! There is a Christmas joy for everyone, even you. You can share in the season in whatever way fits you. You may need to ask others to join you in muted merriment or connect with you in Christmas calm. They may even long for the same and not even realize it until you offer a respite from the holiday hype.
Presents are not necessary to be present with others. Parties and special events are not required to create special memories with people you love. Travel is not required to meaningfully relate to relatives. So, find opportunities to join hearts, share love and commemorate the season of Christmas with those who matter to you.
I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a very Joyful New Year. I pray you find health in your home, someone dear to share your cheer, a surprise in your stocking, nutmeg in your eggnog and resolve in your resolutions. I pray you catch a serious case of Christmas spirit and joy contagious to all in the New Year.
It is my special privilege to share words with you here and I look forward to seeing you here in January where we can catch up again and share the latest
Blessings always…Kelly Gee

Congratulations Clara Stryker on your second year in the Nutcracker. You made a cute little mouse. We are so proud of you. Love, Dad and Mom!

Girl Scout Troop 9510 help decorate the Calhoun County Public Library Christmas tree.
Thank You to the fine folks of the Toy Run and all the hard-working, generous volunteers who give of their time, talents and finances to make Christmas in our area so special.