Every year at Christmas time when the Port O’Connor Community Service Club presents the Seniors Christmas Luncheon, some special citizen are honored for their service to the community. The community may be small, but there are so many people who contribute so much to it that choosing who to honor is always a difficult task. This year three valuable community members were honored as “Citizens of the Year”.
Probably best known for her knowledgeable and helpful service at POC Hardware, Wanda is a tireless worker behind the scenes in community projects. This time of year will find her coordinating everything that goes into carrying out the yearly Adopt-An-Angel program. It is her responsibility to put “Angels” on the tree, make sure their needs are known without revealing who they are, do the shopping and gift wrapping for many of them, make sure the toys they are hoping for are set aside for them from the “Toy Run”, and then storing the gifts until time for distribution. This can be a time consuming job, but Wanda, along with several other like-minded ladies, has been joyfully helping our local “Angels” since the program started about 20 years ago.
Wanda has been a Port O’Connor resident since 1969. She and her husband, Virgil, raised their son Jeremiah here. When Jeremiah was at Port O’Connor School, Wanda was involved in PTA and served as President. For many years Wanda was Secretary/Treasure of the Port O’Connor Volunteer Fire Department and Secretary of POC MUD. Wanda also is a regular participant in “Relay for Life”.
Being named a Citizen of the Year came as a big surprise to Mary Ann, as she had been on the nominating committee this year, and the other ladies managed to keep her award a secret from her. Mary Ann is a retired school teacher and active in the Calhoun County Retired Teachers Association, in which she is an officer. Moving here in 1971, there were no teaching positions open at Port O’Connor School, so she taught in Port Lavaca.
Mary Ann can be found helping out at most every benefit and event held in Port O’Connor. In addition to her Service Club membership, she is a member of Friends of the Port O’Connor Library and the Chamber of Commerce, and is a regular participant in the local Bunco club, where she can always be counted on to liven things up.
Mary Ann has one daughter, Margaret, manager of our local Subway.

Pat Ekstrom presents Citizen of the Year plaque to Doyle Adams
-Photo by Bill Tigrett
Last, but by no means least, is Doyle Adams. This 89-year-old Navy veteran has resided in Port O’Connor for the past 29 years. Although he came to Port O’Connor to fish, hunt, and relax, he became quite an active member of the community.
Twenty-five years ago, Doyle and his late wife, Bernice, started the “Sweetheart Banquet”, which has become a highlight of the year for many of our residents. He was one of the founders of another popular event, the Easter Sunrise Service. Beginning with members and friends of First Baptist Church, this service now regularly includes about 500 worshippers each Easter morning.
Known by many children (and many now grown-ups) here as Vacation Bible School director and Sunday School bus driver, Doyle is a Deacon at First Baptist and has helped the church in many capacities.Using his experience as a writer and newsletter publisher for his former employer, he has published the church bulletin until recently, and has for many years been a contributing writer to Dolphin Talk.
On Tuesdays you will find Doyle at the Senior Lunch, where he makes announcements and offers the blessing. And if you’re attending just about any event around town and hear a loud “Yee Haw”, you will know that Doyle Adams is there.