I’ve had the pleasure of reading and reviewing 35 to 40 books during the year of many of those we’ve received as new books, many of known authors, and many of popular authors, some of which are previously shelved. However there are only a few I would add to my personal library; books that are […]
Home > December, 2016
What’s Rockin’ at the Port O’Connor Library by Shirley & Sue
Warrior’s Weekend Calhoun County Muster
On February 4th, 2017 at the Bauer Center in Port Lavaca, Warrior’s Weekend will be holding our second Calhoun County Muster to raise funds for Warrior’s Weekend XI. Our first Calhoun County Muster was held in Port O’Connor and, although successful, we are trying to reach out to an even larger populous in Port Lavaca. […]
Ellis- McDowell Thanksgiving Wedding Held at Caracol
Friday, November 25th 2016 was a special day for Leslie Ellis and Teresa McDowell of Austin. The day after Thanksgiving they became Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ellis! The brief ceremony was held at Caracol yacht club. It was a little breezy, but the sun shining beautifully made it perfect for a Port O’Connor wedding! The […]
Boy Scouts Compete in District Camporee
Boy Scout Troop 106 from Seadrift recently competed in the La Salle District Camporee held in Goliad on November 4th, 5th and 6th. The troop showed their scouting skills and won 5 events including; Tent pitching, rescue relay, stretcher relay, tug o war and fire building. In addition to this, the troop won “Best overall […]
Reflections by Phil Ellenberger
The end is near! That is true in more ways than one. The most obvious end is the end of the year. This year 2016 will only last a few more days. Many Democrats must feel like a friend of mine once told me “I have never had a year where I wasn’t happy that […]