Sheryl Haynes and Roxanne Ochoa will lead the Student Advisory Board of the Friends of the Port O’Connor Library Board into the new year. They are making plans which will include movies and games at the library, a bake sale, and an ice cream social throughout the upcoming months of 2017. These beautiful women teach school all day, go home and take care of their families at night, and still make time to support the efforts to provide activities through The POC Library. Our Student Advisory Board is very important to the success in building a new library for Port O’Connor.
Many thanks to Sheryl and Roxanne! -Joanie Morgan

Sheryl Haynes

Roxanne Ochoa
Friends of the Port O’Connor Library Student Advisory Council:
POC Elementary Representatives Grades 1 – 5:
Landy Resendiz; Audrey Rhoads
Aubrey, Ragusin; Nicholas Ragusin
Gracie O’Shields; Landon Jones
Bryon Ferrell; Emily Ferrell
Lyric Lopez; Antonio Gloria
Alexandra Mallory; McKenna Guevara
Annabelle Thurman; Matthew Stapp
Jr. and Sr. High Student Council have been chosen and will be meeting soon to plan their activities for the remainder school year.

Friends of Port O’Connor Library Student Advisory Council
Christmas Party
Student Advisory Council Meeting/Party
By Brooklyn Redmond
In December, the members of the Student Advisory Council to the Port O’Connor Friends of the Library met at the current Port O’Connor Library.
Our club dedicates their time to raising money to build a new library here in town. Our club consists of members of all ages starting at the age of four.
We had a lot of fun at this meeting. First, the kids played Christmas bingo. One of the adults called out the cards while the kids played and used their M&M’s as markers.
After that, we painted rocks for a new popular activity called, Port O’ Connor Rocks! Each member painted as many rocks as they wanted, and then they took them home to hide them. We also got to meet some new members as well as hang out with existing ones.
This coming year is going to be a great year, and I have a feeling we are going to make a great impact! I can’t wait!

Movies start at 10:00 a.m.