Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: Fishing Reports
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 19 Jan 17 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

When the last Chamber Chat was printed, the Annual Christmas Party was being planned by Mrs. Joanie Morgan. On December 12th, Joanie produced a fantastic outing. Held at the Sanctuary on a beautiful evening, it was one of the best Christmas Parties. We really enjoyed the music of the band, and the food and fellowship was just great. If you were unable to attend, make plans for this year. Joanie, the Chamber appreciates what you and your helpers accomplished.

The officers for 2017 have been elected. They are: President, Darla Parker; Vice- President, Mary Jo Walker; Treasurer, Dawn Ragusin and Secretary, Donna Vuichard; Directors: Laurie Junek, Ronna Fishbeck, Troy Wygrys, Donnie Haynes, Mary Francis Bauer and John Reneau. Thanks goes out to these ten people for volunteering their time and efforts for our community.

Plans for the 5th Annual Crawfish Festival are in the works. All involved are gearing up for the biggest and best Festival. Headlining this year will be Josh Ward; the date is April 29th, 2017, so start making your plans and reservations.

The 2017 calendar of Chamber sponsored events: Memorial Day Kids Fishing Tournament & Annual Kite Flying Contest–May 27th, 2017; Annual Fireworks Display–July 1,2017; Lighted Boat Parade on the ICW-December 2nd; Annual Chamber Christmas Party-December 8th.

If you would like to get involved with any of these projects as volunteers, or any other reason, you are welcome and needed, just contact us and we will find something for you to do.

Our next meeting will be February 13th, 6:30 p.m. in the Port O’Connor Community Center. Come out and get involved.

New and Renewed Members:
Lone Star Boat Storage
Dawn Ragusin
Port O’Connor Country Club Condominium Assoc

Contact the Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce at: 361-983-2898; 361poc@gmail.com or www.portoconnorchamber.com

Save The Date

Mark your calendars now!  April 29, 2017, Port O’Connor’s 5th Annual Crawfish Fest & Cook-off will be happening right here in our community.  Plans are coming along, and this year’s Fest will be the best yet! The music lineup is over the top….. Headlining our Festival will be Texas’ very own County star, Josh Ward. With his current #1 single, Broken Heart, this puts Josh on the Texas charts with eight #1 hits. Also playing. are The Stringbenders, with their classic country and zydeco music, and a little rock and roll.

Many don’t realize that it takes about 100 volunteers to pull off an event like this. Since this is the Chamber’s largest fundraising event, we need all the help we can muster up. Right now we are working on sponsorships and donations. Also, now is the time for cookers and vendors to get signed up.  Visit the Chamber website at www.portoconorchamber.com for sponsorship information, vendor apps, and cooker registration.  If you would to be involved, please contact Darla Parker at 713-857-0482 or Mary Jo Walker at 361-920-4247.

Go put this on your calendar now… Save the date!  Also, follow us on Facebook at POC Crawfish Fest and Cook-off for all the latest updates…. Share it with all your friends!!

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