Port O’Connor School Happenings

Archived in the category: General Info, School News
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 19 Jan 17 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor School Happenings
Port O’Connor Elementary students collected over 600 cans of food for the the local food pantry. First grade students are shown here with several of the cans which were collected.

Port O’Connor Elementary students collected over 600 cans of food for the the local food pantry. First grade students are shown here with several of the cans which were collected.

In Ms. Peters’ POC School Kindergarten class, students were studying penguins and learning about making comparisons. Students compared their height to the penguin to see if they were taller than, shorter than or the same height as the Emperor Penguin. Layla Banda and Dalton Fowler compare themselves to the Emperor Penguin

In Ms. Peters’ POC School Kindergarten class, students were studying penguins and learning about making comparisons. Students compared their height to the penguin to see if they were taller than, shorter than or the same height as the Emperor Penguin.
Layla Banda and Dalton Fowler compare themselves to the Emperor Penguin

POC School children perform in the annual Christmas program. -Photo by Bill Tigrett

POC School children perform in the annual Christmas program.
-Photo by Bill Tigrett

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