Gabriela Torres,
Secretary, City of Seadrift
May 6, 2017 has been set for the election to fill three positions on Seadrift City Council. These positions are currently held by June Cantrell, Buddy Cross, and Geoffrey Hunt. Anyone wishing to file for a place on the ballot should do so during regular City Hall hours. The last day to place your name on the ballot is Friday, February 17, 2017. Early voting will be from April 24 through May 2, also at City Hall.
At the January 3 Meeting, Council authorized immediate repairs to the Bayfront Park electrical and lighting system and immediate repair of any concrete damage and the replacement of hand rails on the east handicapped ramp.
The need for these repairs was necessitated by recent automobile accidents. Shortly after midnight, New Year’s Eve, a vehicle was speeding south on 6th Street and failed to stop. It crashed into the primary electrical distribution box and continued over the handicapped ramp taking the rails and damaging the ramp and took out one of the seven light poles just west of the pier and water faucet, and came to stop several feet from the edge of the seawall. Payment for these repairs will be made from the Hotel/Motel Fund, should it become necessary – pending reimbursement from Subject Vehicle’s insurance Company.
This is the second vehicle accident in this location in two months, the last on Thanksgiving, which took out one of the concrete tables beneath a cover east of the Pavilion. The City was in the process of arranging to move several concrete barriers to set up at the Bayfront to be placed in hopes of reducing and/or eliminating just this sort of thing when the second accident occurred.
Council also authorized the placement of concrete barriers at A.D. Powers Bayfront Park with appropriate signage at intersections of 3rd & Bay, 4th & Bay, 6th & Bay and 9th & Bay and pay for from Hotel/Motel Tax Fund.
Mayor DeForest announced that security at City Hall has been updated and improved thanks to the generosity of individuals who wish to remain anonymous.
The minutes of this meeting were taken by Gabriela Torres, who has been serving as Interim Secretary since the retirement, after 21 years of service, of City Secretary Paula Moncrief. Gabriela, who has been employed as Assistant City Clerk for the past two years, is a 2012 graduate of Calhoun High and the daughter of Guadalupe and Alvaro Torres of Seadrift,