Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Feb 17 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

I have seen a lot of changes in our community since I first arrived here twenty-two (22) years ago to help three couples see if the Lord wanted to build another congregation in Port O’Connor. We believe the results have proven that the Lord has blessed Port O’Connor with three great Christian witnesses (First Baptist, St. Joseph’s, and the Chapel), and we are sincerely honored to be a part of this great community of believers! We only minister in this community, but are assisting with the leadership of nineteen (19) other congregations and Pastor Joane and I are responsible for direct leadership of not only this Chapel, but two others – one in Nixon and the other in Halletsville. We are very stretched, but the Lord has provided us the grace and strength to carry this heavy load. Thank you for your continued prayers for us!

On Saturday, January 21, we took a group of our men to Nixon to assist them with their remodeling project. Our men were putting in bathrooms, climbing ladders, and working on the electrical. We enjoyed a fellowship lunch with that congregation and are glad we had the opportunity to propel them forward in this much needed remodel project.

On the following Saturday, we were given the opportunity of participating in a new fishing tournament – the second annual Freeze Out. We had a great group of “gleaners” gather to make sure none of these truly nice fish were lost. Thanks for this great opportunity.

We have a very busy February planned. We will be continuing our message on the topic: “The Holy Spirit – From The Cradle To Eternity” series on Sunday mornings. I find most people know about God the Father and God the Son in Jesus Christ, but many know little about God the Holy Spirit. We trust that we will have the opportunity of introducing God the Holy Spirit to those who truly do not know Him. We have already looked at “In Infancy”, “In Conscience”, “In New Birth”, and “In Leadership”. Everyone is welcomed to come and study with us!

Our hearts are broken as we have learned of the passing of our own, Frances Pressley. Frances had moved to Wisconsin, but was still on our prayer lists and in our hearts. We tried several times to get her back home, but she did not quite make it. Not only do we mourn with her Mom Trish, but also with the other members of her family. We will miss her and look forward to that “Great Reunion Day” in the sky! The memorial service is still being planned.

This month, we also will be ministering in El Campo and Nixon, and Pastors Jesse and James will be filling in during our absence. We will be attending a conference in Houston. But, more important than our travels is that our Ladies will be meeting at 7:00 p.m., February 23, for what they are calling, “Sit and Be Fit!” All ladies are welcomed. Not to be outdone, our Men will be hosting a breakfast on Saturday, February 25, at 8:00 a.m. All area men are welcomed to enjoy a full meal with us at the Chapel.

The Sea Academy with Instructor Captain Robert will be convening at the Chapel on February, 24 and continuing through March 3. There will be this class and only one more in Sea Academy Class here in Port O’Connor (May 12 – May 18, 2017). All those who wish to earn their “Captain’s Licenses” should make contact with Captain Robert at 361/816-3010 or the Sea Academy at 361/758-6184 as soon as possible. We truly have enjoyed our 17 year association with the Sea Academy and have many stories of those whose lives have been changed by this class. Thanks, Captain Robert, for your spirit of excellence in teaching this class and your friendship!

Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation whose goal is simple: to make our pathway from here to Heaven easier as together we move forward. One will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel and all are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

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