Happy Birthday! 5 Years and Counting by Sue Kubecka

Archived in the category: General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Feb 17 - Comments Off on Happy Birthday! 5 Years and Counting by Sue Kubecka

Noral McCauley and Teresa Scott display some of their wares at POC Liquor.

Noral McCauley and Teresa Scott display some of their wares at POC Liquor.

February marks the 5th year of operation for the POC Liquor Store, located at 8th and Adams Street here in Port O’Connor. Opened by Noral McCauley following the closing of Alvin’s Liquors, Noral has achieved much success in this endeavor.

Noral instantly hired Janet Johnson, the former manager of Alvin’s, to take control: serve customers, order stock, and somehow convey her knowledge to him. With her help and guidance, Noral then added to his collection of wares, all aimed at the customer’s requests.

Sadly, Janet became ill, and Noral then repeated his previous standard of business by hiring Alyse Munsch to become manager. Alyse not only was there to speak with all customers in her very friendly manner, but to give to them constant help during a visit.

When Alyse left, several very competent employees took over; Noral has appreciated their help and dedication. Teresa Scott is currently employed with Noral; she had worked with Janet previously at Alvin’s, and, therefore received excellent knowledge of the business.

Many different faces of employees have worked with POC Liquors, and each conveying to the customer the courtesy and desire to be of service to everyone who enters the store. This is the type of attitude that makes a business successful, and Noral has been extremely fortunate in his selection of people.

Noral rates his business success to the support of our locals; many residents come in to say “hello” and catch up on the local news; buy a soda or cigar; a sixpack or even the latest Texas vodka. This is a business that is owned and operated by a local, and welcomes the input of our residents.

Noral’s fame with the POC Liquor Store has spread “far and wide” as I learned very emphatically one day in December. I was walking down Royal Street (after a day of shopping) in New Orleans when my cell phone rang. Answering, I received a request for the hours of the Liquor Store. Somewhat astonished, I then learned that the caller was a POC resident on holiday in Mazatlan, and he would be back in town within a week to place an order. Talk about fame!

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