Justice of the Peace Education Seminar

Archived in the category: General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Feb 17 - Comments Off on Justice of the Peace Education Seminar

Calhoun County Justices of the Peace Wesley Hunt, Nancy Pomykal, and Tanya Dimak.

Calhoun County Justices of the Peace Wesley Hunt, Nancy Pomykal, and Tanya Dimak.

The Texas Justice Court Training Center would like to recognize the 168 Justices of the Peace who completed the mandated 20-hours of judicial education required of all justices of the peace on January 29-February 1, 2017 in Corpus Christi, TX.

This Justice of the Peace seminar was a highly intensive two and a half-day training that addressed indigent defendants, mental health, ethics, and advanced civil and criminal topics. The 20-Hour seminar satisfies the mandatory education requirements and provides up-to-date information concerning legislation and procedures applicable to justice courts.

Attending the Corpus Christi Seminar from Calhoun County were, Nancy Pomykal, Justice of the Peace, Precinct. 5, Wesley Hunt, Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4 and Tanya Dimak, Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3.

Calhoun County, Precinct 1, Justice of the Peace, Hope Kurtz and Precinct 2, Justice of the Peace, Calvin Anderle attended their 20 hour seminar to complete their required continuing education the first week in December, in Galveston.

All Five Calhoun County Justice Court Judges have now completed their required hours as set forth by the State Legislature. Through the coming year they are offered ten hour workshops and webniars pertaining to their courts, allowing the judges to stay informed on the proceedings and laws affecting their courts.

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