Port O’Connor Improvement District by Leon Brown

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Feb 17 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Improvement District by Leon Brown

Once board approval is obtained, the POCID will post a monthly article in the Dolphin Talk every month.

The POCID wants to support our community newspaper and the POCID must keep all ratepayers informed of all happenings within the district and to keep ratepayers informed of current and future projects for our district.

Did you know that the POCID can inform you by phone text or email of current or future water outages, construction notices or even boil water notices?
To participate in the phone texts or email notices all you have to do is call the district office and provide your phone number or email address. That’s All.
Have you had the opportunity to visit the POCID website @ www.pocid.org? There, you can contact customer service, request forms and reports, read news and notices and see frequently asked questions.

By visiting the website, you can also read online the district agendas and the minutes for each agenda. So, if you missed a meeting, you can read what the board was discussing and know how the directors voted! This is your website, enjoy.

If you do not have internet connections, please visit our website by using the computers at our library. Or, stop by your district office and we have an IPad and wi-fi connection for your use.

The district phone number is (361) 983.2652. Ask for Kim or Evangelina who will gladly assist you. To contact the district after hours, call the same phone number, because we also have after hours answering service to serve you.

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