“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

On Trump’s “Muslim Ban”

President Trump had promised in his campaign to stop the influx of radical Muslim Jihadists posing as “refugees” and coming here on temporary “Visas”, and he actually did it. Trump actually trying to do what he promised has infuriated Liberals, especially Liberal Activist Judges. But it is the prime responsibility of any Govt to protect the National Security, borders, and its Citizens from criminals and invaders.

Trump issued a ban on “Refugees” from Syria and a Temporary Ban on visas from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen on 1/27, until there is a method of properly “vetting” people from those countries.. Early on Jan 28, Judge Allison D. Burroughs and Magistrate Judge Judith G. Dein issued a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) at the request of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to halt the Ban. That TRO only covered those coming into Boston. The Immigration authorities continued to seriously question people from the named countries, but most were released. US Citizens are the only ones with a “Right” to enter the country, but the Immigration authorities extend it to those having Permanent Residence Status. On Monday 1/30, U.S. District Judge Nathan Gorton denied extending the TRO, after reviewing the law. “Visas” are a temporary permission for foreigners traveling under a Passport to enter the country for a stated purpose and usually for a stated period of time and can be denied or cancelled for any reason. No foreigner has a “legal property right” to a “Visa”.

In Seattle, Washington, Judge James L. Robart issued a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) against Pres. Trump and the Immigration authorities on Feb. 3 at the request of lawyers for the States of Washington and Minnesota, calling it a Muslim Ban, a religious Ban, and “Un-Constitutional”. And he made his TRO Nationwide. He is wrong on many counts. It only bans people from 7 of over 50 Muslim countries, places that can’t or won’t track Jihads and terrorists. And is not specific to Muslims. It is well known that radical Islamofascist groups send terrorists to Western countries for attacks against innocent civilians; they actively call us “The Great Shaitan (Satan)”, and call for our destruction. THEY are actively at war with us, in the name of Islam, even though we are NOT at war with Islam. The Constitution gives Congress the powers to regulate immigration, and Congress by The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952 delegated the power to the President to restrict any immigration based on “country of origin”. (Public Law 414, Chapter 477)*. This has been used many times, including by liberal Democrat Presidents Jimmy Carter and Barack Hussein Obama against Muslim countries. These 7 problem countries were previously identified by the Obama Administration, but no action was taken. President Trump is well within his “authority”, and his responsibility; but the “Liberal activist Judge” is simply ignoring the law and lying about the facts.

There are also difficulties with points of Law and Procedure. Minnesota and Washington States in applying for a TRO claimed “they” will “suffer irreparable damage” if the TRO is not given. This simply is not true. It is difficult to imagine how the States will “suffer any damage” from the temporary ban, much less “irreparable”. This is just “Political Theater”, not a real case in Law. The States have no “Standing”, only those individually affected, and they have no case because they have no “Right” to a “Visa”. The lawsuit should have been dismissed by the district court in whole or in part for lack of “Standing” and Minnesota is not even in the 9th Circuit. Second, the district court Judge did not give the required legal reasoning in its order to justify the TRO. And the Judge had no jurisdiction enjoining the executive order nationwide, only just in the two states, if at all.

Furthermore, he chose to completely ignore Title 8, Chapter 12, US Code 1182 (f) :

(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline.

This is the Federal law from 1952 that gives President Trump the authority and the Responsibility to issue his ban.
Govt lawyers went to the Ninth US Court of Appeals for a “stay” on the TRO on those grounds and National Security, but after Oral Arguments via telephone on 2/8 the Court upheld Judge Robarts TRO on 2/10.

Opinion: I have long suspected that some Liberal “Judges” are far more interested in their AGENDA than in their Oath to the Constitution and loyalty to the American People. On 2/10, I read an article by Ken Klukowski, senior legal editor for Breitbart News and a fellow with the American Civil Rights Union. He quoted the Supreme Court:

“The procedural protections provided by the Fifth Amendment’s Due Process Clause are not limited to citizens. Rather, they apply to all persons within the United States, including aliens, regardless of whether their presence here is lawful, unlawful, temporary, or permanent.”

Reading this explains a lot. “Their interpretation” is that foreigners, even illegals, have rights equal to Citizens, and even superior to the National Security concerns of the Trump Administration and the Citizens that elected him. (?!?) The Courts have usurped powers far beyond their jurisdictions. Even to overturn laws by Congress, Mandated by the Constitution; and the authority of the President and Commander-in-Chief to enforce the Laws as written and to defend our nation. Woe is us, if they can get away with that!

Congress needs to immediately pass a law that clearly states that Constitutional guarantees ONLY apply to CITIZENS, and the extension of these rights to any Non-citizens are only to be determined by Immigration Law issued by Congress and signed by the President; as per US Constitution, Article I, section 8, Paragraph 1 & 4.

“The Congress shall have Power To……provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States;”

“To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization,” (and immigration)

The very idea that the Courts can make the decision that Constitutional Rights “apply to all persons within the United States, including aliens, regardless of whether their presence here is lawful, unlawful, temporary, or permanent.” even to the detriment of the safety of our Citizens and National Security is ludicrous! And frightening! Wrong to the point of Criminal Malfeasance! But a perfect example of the Current Political Correctness of “Liberal Logic”.

38 comments for “The Way I See It…by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”


Y’know, at least when Nixon wanted to know what his opposition was up to, he hired Americans.

February 17th, 2017 at 5:44 pm

This President is WEAK. Inept, unable to hire people who know what to do (with perhaps Tillerson as an exemption). Brush up on the 25th Amendment, Longknife Bill, Article 4. Coup. American-style.

February 17th, 2017 at 8:35 pm
Bill Brayshaw

I know you are all bent out of shape because Hillary didn’t win, even with all the Obamunist pressure groups, the Lamestream Media, and all the Hollyweird & Soros money. But she is a crook and most people know it. And she in not likeable like “Slick Willie”, and is an Elitist Totalitarian to the bone.
Her supporters don’t care about the facts, most because they LIKE the idea of a Dem/Socialist State because they want to get “something for nothing”. As Thomas Jefferson said over 200 years ago,”A govt strong enough to provide all your needs is strong enough to take all you have.” The Hillary Supporters and Anti-Trumpers have shown in their protests that they are mostly Communists posing as “Anarchists”, Illegal Aliens and Globalist with “No Borders! No Nations!” signs, and Snowflakes getting “Class Credit” for demonstrating rather going to class. All led by paid “Political Operators” and “Community Organizers” that are in it for the money and a chance to riot, loot, and destroy other people’s property. To protest the Muslim Ban, they burned a limo owned by a Muslim. Isn’t that special. And supporting her “because she is a Woman” is dumb! She is a crook with a vagina, so what? Still a crook! That is real “Sexism” at its worst, and dumbest!
They hate Trump because he beat Hillary! And she is being exposed as a con-man, and sold 20% of USA uranium production to Russia. Hillary lost because the majority of Americans want JOBS & a GROWING ECONOMY more than Welfare and a bunch of PC B.S.!
Today, at the Melborne Trump Rally, the New Definition of PC is Protect the Citizens, not Political Correctness. Hillary is a complete failure. And Trump is showing that so was the Obama Administration.
Get over it! Dry your eyes. Put on your “Big Girl Panties” and throw away the Pussy-hat. You are supposed to be a Business-person – get down to business, and quit pissing & moaning.

February 18th, 2017 at 8:20 pm
Bill Brayshaw

#2. Just watch. The govt owns much along the border already, and can “condemn” whatever else they need.
It is National Defense. Don’t be a DOOFUS!

February 18th, 2017 at 8:23 pm
Bill Brayshaw

The 25th Amendment is about the death or removal of the President.
You are dreaming if you think Trump can be impeached. For What? Because he beat Hillary like a rug and you are all “wee-wee’ed up”?
And you get Mike Pence! The Lib/Prog Anti-Christians are gonna really have a conniption fit over that! Pussy hats will be exploding until long after 4th of July.
Grow up! Hillary BLEW it! She barely beat and ancient old Commie for the Dem/Socialist Nomination, even with a stacked deck. She was “shoo in”, but still blew it. The Dem/Socialists have ruined the old “Democrat Party”, and fools like you are helping do it.
Unionist, Blacks, Legal Immigrants are getting behind Trump because he has a POSITIVE MESSAGE and is actually DOING something. Unlike the Lib/Progs.

February 18th, 2017 at 8:42 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Read it and weep. SMH.
Swing-voting independents are twice as likely to trust President Donald Trump’s administration than to trust the media, according to a new poll by Fox News.

The lopsided 52 percent to 26 percent trust in Trump is hidden in the crosstabs of the poll, which was released Feb. 17. Overall, by a narrow margin of 45 percent to 42 percent, Americans think Trump is more likely to tell the truth than are reporters.
(The Dems like Media because it tells them what they want to hear. The Repubs KNOW the Media lies because we have been following it for years)

February 18th, 2017 at 8:50 pm
Karla B.

Hmm… it sounds like you have been reading or watching a lot of the ‘fake news’ that President Trump has been talking about. If you had really been paying attention, you would know that the people who have ‘finally’ been confirmed, no thanks to the admitted foot-dragging and childish behavior by the Democrats, have been doing a bang-up job. The only ineptitude is by the liberal media who keep the headlines full of how much chaos is going on with all of the Trump People. Nothing could be further from the truth. But then if the media had one iota of interest in ‘the truth’, they would not keep pumping out all the ‘fake news’ stories every single day, would they? It sounds like YOU possibly gave Rex Tillerson an ‘exemption’ as you wrote it, in that he is not as inept as the rest according to you. (I think you might have been searching for the word exception.)

As for telling the author of the article to brush up on the 25th amendment, YOU might want to brush-up on just exactly what it entails for a president to be impeached. Article 4… I am quite sure was not written because people like you and Maxine Waters don’t LIKE Trump and don’t THINK he is fit to be President. There are no grounds for his inability to serve or impeachment, except in the minds of the far left and the liberal media. So, you might as well buck up and realize you lost, and sit back and try to make the best of it. You are all so terrified of what MIGHT happen, that you are paying absolutely no attention at all to what really IS happening.

February 18th, 2017 at 10:42 pm

As the old saying goes….NEVER confuse a liberal with facts. A well thought out narrative that has NO logical contradiction. Of course, there will be those who will contradict, but NOT thru logic and/or reasoning. The facts will remain, and the facts are incontrovertible. Well done, “Longknife21”

February 19th, 2017 at 7:56 am

Section 4. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

February 19th, 2017 at 8:13 am
Bill Brayshaw

Re: #11
Do you really think that is going to happen?
Is so, you are even more self-deluded than I thought you were. Or even was possible for anyone with an IQ greater than their belt size.
Trolling me with LibTARD “Opinion” pieces and Opium Dream Fantasies is a waste of time. But I guess that’s the best you can do.
Re-read Comment #9 – that says it best. Plain & simple, but massively to the point. Even a self-deluded Liberal Progressive or a dedicated Fabian Socialist should be able to understand it.
It matters not what you WANT. Just wait. People are waking up to the horrible scam of Globalist Elite Totalitarianism hidden in the Socialist “Welfare State Freebies”. The Obamunists and the Clintonistas had their time to strut on the Political Stage, but they failed. Epic Failure. So go on with your childish tantrums, riot & looting, and ‘Fake News’. They lost. The People are waking up.
The Mass Media Propaganda Machine is going the way of the Dinosaurs in the Age of the Internet, and cell-phone cameras. “The proto-mammals are eating their eggs again.” The Thunder Lizards can’t protect their Monopoly on dispensing the Current Truth “as they want it to be”, because there are millions of “little guys”, amateur reporters and journalists out there wanting to get their 20 seconds on the Local News, or even just FaceBook or UTube. The smarter “Saurians” are already recognizing the shift. Recent polls show that the “Swing Voters” now trust Trump over the Lamestream Media 2-1, and rising. The Dem/Socialists are the only ones that even pretend to believe the Media any more, and only because they desperately want “to believe” the bad crap about Trump, and “Somehow” it’s not Hillary’s fault that she blew the election that was supposed to be a “slam-dunk”. She is a lying crook as well as an arrogant Elitist. And she’s ugly too, mean as a snake, and probably sickly on top of it all. Physically as well as mentally and morally. Voting for her and other Dems is like ordering a Cow-pie for pizza, and even loyal Dems are starting to see it. Or at least smell the difference. They know it at some visceral level, even if they refuse to admit it.
And you should, too. Or continue in your self-deluded “Dream State”.
“Mox Nix” to me, as the old GI saying went.

February 19th, 2017 at 8:56 am
Bill Brayshaw

Thank you “Mike” for your excellent comment and your kind words.
“There are none so blind as those that will not see.”
They can ignore the facts and the truth, but they can not ignore the consequences of their ignoring the facts.

February 19th, 2017 at 9:13 am
Bill Brayshaw

SMH.. To see an actual result of your ‘beloved’ Lib/Prog indoctrination in Race Relation as college sports see: http://www.theamericansurvivalguide.com/smforum/index.php?topic=10894.0 and my full comment back to Kenny. Some of which I “recycled” above.
Real news. But never to be found in your Lamestream Liberal Indoctrination.

February 19th, 2017 at 9:33 am
Bill Brayshaw

SMH, Re: your concern for the Texas Beef Industry:
What’s the down side? Affordable beef for Texas working people? Never fear, with the scaling back of EPA and a hundred other Federal bureaucracies, Texas beef producers will continue to prosper. They produce a product of real value. Internationally recognized, with a real demand.
Also, do you think much quality Texas beef is actually exported to Mexico? Think again, and you will find far more Mexican cattle are imported here for ‘minimum finishing’ to produce the poor quality beef and hamburger that most of us can afford.
Your example is somewhat inverted and untrue, but you are a Liberal, with Liberal Sources, so that is to be expected.
Sorry ’bout that.

February 19th, 2017 at 9:50 am
Bill Brayshaw

SMH – “News you might have missed”-
From a Liberal Muslim Female Immigrant trying to tell the truth. “Nomani calls what Americans are facing since the election “an insurgency” or “a civil war,” as she watches America’s escalating violence, disruption and social chaos. In the distorted eyes of the left, Nomani can be called a fascist, racist or hater because by voting for Trump, she has “left the tribe” and needs to be ostracized or “killed,” she says with her fingers in quotes.”
This is ‘Liberal Tolerance’ when they have a taste of power and control. This is what Americans are learning and rejecting. “Lib/Prog Totalitarianism” is just another Marxist “Fascism” in a different wrapping.

February 19th, 2017 at 10:21 am

It never fails to astonish me as to the levels of self-deceit liberals go to in order to maintain and promote their illogical, twisted thought processes. Exact case in point with SMH, is his/her citing someone else’s opinion piece that actually provides no basis in fact, for a counterpoint in regards to an opinion piece that provides not only opinion, but also facts (read that as public LAW) to back up that opinion. If SMH actually cared about the TRUTH???, he/she would search for that truth. From the vary organization that represents the farmers, from their very own mouths regards TPP, we should go here:
President Trump is doing exactly what he said he was going to do, help the United States citizens as his primary goal. TPP did NOTHING to help the US, especially the farmers. Read the link, SMH.

February 19th, 2017 at 12:57 pm
Bill Brayshaw

And some economic projections on the Border Wall:

Fiscal estimates developed by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NAS)- Based on the NAS data, illegal border-crossers create an average fiscal burden of approximately $74,722 during their lifetimes, excluding any costs for their U.S.-born children. If a border wall stopped between 160,000 and 200,000 illegal crossers — 9 to 12 percent of those expected to successfully cross in the next decade — the fiscal savings would equal the $12 to $15 billion cost of the wall.
(The wall would easily pay for itself in a decade, but an even faster solution would be for Congress to pass a law that Welfare is only for Citizens! Also the coyotes bring many OTMs (Other That Mexicans) in, and make sure they get in. Many are Muslim terrorists. The Cartels can also smuggle in their weapons and explosives. But Liberals want to keep the border open! Why?)

February 19th, 2017 at 6:37 pm

Good luck with all of that. I’ve said it before, I will be very, very, very happy if ultimately Trump proves the pundits wrong and America succeeds. That being said, his first 30 days has been as big a cluster*uck as anything ever. His approval ratings (very important to a man with his particular psychosis) are lower than any previous President in history. His lies will go down in history as being the primary reason he is remembered. And the Republicans forget, that no matter how this gets resolved, it does not bode well at the polls in the next election.

Yes, his cabinet could decide that he is unable to perform his duties. Absolutely the Republican run Congress/Senate can decide if they are right or wrong. That is in the Constitution. The question is, can Trump piss them off to the point that they’d actually say “Goodbye?” I think his ties to Russia will lead to that.

Anyone need a recipe for borscht? I hear it’s a dish that’s trending.

February 19th, 2017 at 8:58 pm

And Thank God we are all safe from Sweden.

February 19th, 2017 at 9:11 pm

Mike – Farmaid dot org? LOL, Dr. Pepper just shot out of my nose. Yeah, they’re known for their fact based reporting.

Get a life. This ain’t it.

February 20th, 2017 at 7:34 am

From Time magazine:
In his 1953 masterpiece, “The Captive Mind,” the Polish poet and dissident Czeslaw Milosz analyzed the psychological and intellectual pathways through which some of his former colleagues in Poland’s post-war Communist regime allowed themselves to be converted into ardent Stalinists. In none of the cases that Milosz analyzed was coercion the main reason for the conversion.
They wanted to believe. They were willing to adapt. They thought they could do more good from the inside. They convinced themselves that their former principles didn’t fit with the march of history, or that to hold fast to one’s beliefs was a sign of priggishness and pig-headedness. They felt that to reject the new order of things was to relegate themselves to irrelevance and oblivion. They mocked their former friends who refused to join the new order as morally vain reactionaries. They convinced themselves that, brutal and capricious as Stalinism might be, it couldn’t possibly be worse than the exploitative capitalism of the West.
I fear we are witnessing a similar process unfold among many conservative intellectuals on the right. It has been stunning to watch a movement that once believed in the benefits of free trade and free enterprise merrily give itself over to a champion of protectionism whose economic instincts recall the corporatism of 1930s Italy or 1950s Argentina. It is no less stunning to watch people once mocked Obama for being too soft on Russia suddenly discover the virtues of Trump’s “pragmatism” on the subject.
And it is nothing short of amazing to watch the party of onetime moral majoritarians, who spent a decade fulminating about Bill Clinton’s sexual habits, suddenly find complete comfort with the idea that character and temperament are irrelevant qualifications for high office.
The mental pathways by which the new Trumpian conservatives have made their peace with their new political master aren’t so different from Milosz’s former colleagues.
There’s the same desperate desire for political influence; the same belief that Trump represents a historical force to which they ought to belong; the same willingness to bend or discard principles they once considered sacred; the same fear of seeming out-of-touch with the mood of the public; the same tendency to look the other way at comments or actions that they cannot possibly justify; the same belief that you do more good by joining than by opposing; the same Manichean belief that, if Hillary Clinton had been elected, the United States would have all-but ended as a country.
This is supposed to be the road of pragmatism, of turning lemons into lemonade. I would counter that it’s the road of ignominy, of hitching a ride with a drunk driver.
So, then, to the subject that bring me here today: Maintaining intellectual integrity in the age of Trump.

February 20th, 2017 at 8:16 am
Bill Brayshaw

Re: Sweden
Malmo, which is now some 32% “beloved & sainted” Muslim Rapeugees suffered 52 HAND GRENADE ATTACKS in 2016.
“Liberalism is a mental disease and left untreated is often fatal.” is proven true again. And the LibTARDs complain about fully investigated and trained Citizens having Concealed Handgun Licenses. Those “Refugees” have so much money for the Swedish Welfare State they can fly back to ISIS controlled countries for ‘Terrorist Training”.
FACTS not Globalist Libtard ‘opinions’ and propaganda is what you ned to read, SMH.Read the crime reports and statistics. Look what is happening to France! The Police are losing control in large sections of the Muslim suburbs of Paris nightly. It is a freaking War Zone in their Capital City, but the French Libtards and their Globalist EU Handlers won’t let them do anything like banning Islamofascist “Refugees”. Just like the Nutty 9th Circus here.
And YOU are helping to bring that here! That is your Obamunist “Legacy”!

February 20th, 2017 at 10:24 am

You sound like a dude who the closest he comes to a pair of breasts is when he puts on his undershirt in the morning.

Am I a Liberal? No. I am a Capitalist. An unpaid, pussyhat wearing, Austin protesting Capitalist. And a millionaire. If Trump does what he promises, I win, if he doesn’t, I still win. Don’t you get that?

February 20th, 2017 at 11:06 am

Swedish police say Horowitz selectively edited their comments out of context. 99% of media says crime numbers support a flat crime rate in Sweden. Horowitz is a hack. I wouldn’t put your “journalistic credibility” on the line with his manure.


February 20th, 2017 at 11:18 am
Bill Brayshaw

And as for your Liberal “Maintaining intellectual integrity”, it is mostly blind adherence to failed Marxist Theory and even ‘blinder’ following of the Leninist strategies defined in Cleon Skousen’s “The Naked Communist”, the 45 Goals of Communism. It reads like the last two decades of the “Democrat Party Platform”.
Your “Liberal Progressivism” has metastasized into mind numbing Political Correctness, demonizing anyone that produces facts instead of “The Holey Theories” (pun intended), and endless “propagandizing opinion” from over-indoctrinated and grossly under-experienced people that don’t know their ass from their elbow. They have managed to adopt all of the worst Totalitarian things from both Fascism and Communism without doing any of the ‘good’ things for their Citizens. All they do is push Globalism and another higher, more uncontrolled level of wasteful Gubbermint!
You have the freedom to spout your Internationalist Theories because Americans have fought for your Rights for centuries. But those you support only tolerate you (or anyone) as long as you agree with them.
Trump has actually accomplished more in 3 1/2 months for working people than the Dems did in 8 years. The constant battle currently is to get his people confirmed, and the time-wasting endless “ad hominim attacks” by the obstructionist Dems and the Media aided by Establishment RINOs, all of them fighting him for their power positions. And losing. So they hate him. They fear his success because it makes them look like fools, and kills many of their wasteful scams.
Trump’s power will grow, simply because he is trying to do what he said, to help all Americans. More realize it every day, and see the Obstructionists as fighting him for their own little political fiefdoms and special interests. “The Big Lie” still works in politics for the short run, but Truth, honest effort, and consistency will win in the long run. It is practically “Culture Shock” for a ‘Politician’ to actually do what they promise in a campaign, but Trump is not a politician, but a pragmatic businessman. His “stock in trade” is his ability, determination, and reputation. And his goal is to “Make America Great Again”. Not gonna be easy because too many people have interests in profiting from the Status Quo, or even the failure of America. But most will see the simple fact of “A rising tide lifts all boats”, just gotta caulk the leaks and pump ’em out to float.
And there are plenty “leaks” and a great deal of “crap” to pump out of the Fe(de)ral Govt and the endless bureaucracies.
But it is going to happen, big time.

February 20th, 2017 at 11:41 am
Bill Brayshaw

What is with the silly “breasts” comment? No logical arguments or especially examples! Childish Feminist Response Syndrome revealed.
And HuffPo is going to the Official Gubbermint Police Public (dis)Information Office, not the local Police Chiefs.
Didn’t you ever learn how to rate “Intel”? Oh, NO! Only rate by what you want to believe, right?
When has HuffPo ever been right about anything?
And “Horowitz”? Is it the reformed “Commie Jew Horowitz”? That “ignorant and inexperienced” “Horowitz”?
I’m reading the quotes from the local police that are actually dealing with the problems, not second hand opinions. Didn’t even see Horowitz’s name, but I think his opinion is better than some Snowflake staff writer from HuffPo.
Get a grip. And you better “dig up some of your rusty Yankee money”, buy some guns, get trained, and get mentally prepared to defend family and property, if the Peoples Democratic Republic of Austin keep begging for more Rapeugees and Criminal Invaders. You deserve each other. But you can always retreat to POC and have a bunch of dumbass ‘rednecks’ and Veterans defend you when the SHTF.
The rain is going to stop here after lunch, I think, so I have no more time for you and your silly “Mean Girl” insults.

Little do you know!

February 20th, 2017 at 12:24 pm
Bill Brayshaw

And Check out:
Click here: PARIS AT WAR – MEDIA SILENCE – YouTube
Is Dearborn next? Or any of the Muzzie ghettos in many big cities. Or even Austin?
Murphy’s Law sez, “No good deed goes unpunished.”, and the goody-goody French are getting a huge dose of punishment for their “Good Deeds” for the Muzzies.
This is another terrible example of “Liberalism is a Mental Disease, and left untreated can be fatal.” The regular French have to suffer for the terrible decisions of their Liberal Globalist “leaders”! God help ’em!
If this is what you want, keep fighting Trump and support the Anti-Trumpers of all kinds. Coming soon to a Liberal city near you.
Maybe not too likely in Texas, because even the most radical of the Islamofascists don’t want to play “Cowboys and Muzzies” in Texas. Way too many “Serious Badasses” here. Many with lots of experience and little qualms of providing “The 72 Virgins Dating Service”.
I apologize for offending any “Moderate Muslims”, I know there are a few, but the big problem is there are damn few, and way too silent. They know that the Wahhabi led mosques will declare them “apostate” and probably kill them, so they stay silent. Proves my point though, doesn’t it.
I learned the “Shahada” at 15, 58 years ago, but my accent is terrible. But that was in Turkey, and the “Godless Soviets” were the enemy then. And America was their ally.
Now, thanks to Liberalism, we are probably more “Godless” than the Russians, and somewhat deserving of being called “The Great Shaitan”. But not my fault. I respect those that come here to live and prosper under our Constitution, but one mention of Sharia replacing our Constitutional Law, and I’m your enemy. Because you have then declared yourself the Enemy of our Constitution. I will never accept dhimmitude – from anyone or any group, “religious” or political.

February 20th, 2017 at 2:53 pm

Americans better wake up.

February 21st, 2017 at 4:33 am

“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but it looks like Trump is actually making America great again. Just look at the progress made since the election:
1. Unprecedented levels of ongoing civic engagement.
2. Millions of Americans now know who their state and federal representatives are without having to google.
3. Millions of Americans are exercising more. They’re holding signs and marching every week.
4. Alec Baldwin is great again. Everyone’s forgotten he’s kind of a jerk.
5. The Postal Service is enjoying the influx cash due to stamps purchased by millions of people for letter and postcard campaigns.
6. Likewise, the pharmaceutical industry is enjoying record growth in sales of anti-depressants.
7. Millions of Americans now know how to call their elected officials and know exactly what to say to be effective.
8. Footage of town hall meetings is now entertaining.
9. Tens of millions of people are now correctly spelling words like emoluments, narcissist, fascist, misogynist, holocaust and cognitive dissonance.
10. Everyone knows more about the rise of Hitler than they did last year.
11. Everyone knows more about legislation, branches of power and how checks and balances work.
12. Marginalized groups are experiencing a surge in white allies.
13. White people in record numbers have just learned that racism is not dead. (See #6)
14. White people in record numbers also finally understand that Obamacare IS the Affordable Care Act.
15. Stephen Colbert’s “Late Night” finally gained the elusive #1 spot in late night talk shows, and Seth Meyers is finding his footing as today’s Jon Stewart.
16. “Mike Pence” has donated millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood since Nov. 9th.
17. Melissa FREAKING McCarthy.
18. Travel ban protesters put $24 million into ACLU coffers in just 48 hours, enabling them to hire 200 more attorneys. Lawyers are now heroes.
19. As people seek veracity in their news sources, respected news outlets are happily reporting a substantial increase in subscriptions, a boon to a struggling industry vital to our democracy.
20. Live streaming court cases and congressional sessions are now as popular as the Kardashians.
21. Massive cleanup of facebook friend lists.
22. People are reading classic literature again. Sales of George Orwell’s “1984” increased by 10,000% after the inauguration. (Yes, that is true. 10,000%. 9th grade Lit teachers all over the country are now rock stars.)
23. More than ever before, Americans are aware that education is important. Like, super important.
24. Now, more than anytime in history, everyone believes that anyone can be President. Seriously, anyone.”

February 21st, 2017 at 8:10 am

Hunters shot by immigrants in South Texas? Well, not according to the police forensics. Poor Sid Miller, he made such a big deal out of this. Liars.

February 21st, 2017 at 1:19 pm
Bill Brayshaw

The latest LibTARD “Tempest in a Teapot”, is about Snowflakes freaking out about a poster of General Mattis with the caption, “Making Killing Great Again”. Someone posted it in a V.A. Hospital!

Superficially, the poster is sarcastic military humor, but the deeper meaning is: Make killing the Enemy more efficient, easier, massively shocking, and as safe as possible for our side!

As the old Marine Gunnery Sargent joke sez: “If you find yourself in a ‘Fair Fight’, your tactics suck!”
Think about it. The purpose of the military when it comes to combat, is to kill the Enemy and break his toys. In the most efficient manner possible.
Or as General George S. Patton said, “Nobody ever won a war by dying for his country, the object is to make the other poor son-of-a-bitch die for HIS country.”

The Liberal “wussy-fication” of America has been to destroy our natural resistance to Tyranny by Govt and/or Anti-American groups espousing any form of Totalitarianism : Monarchy, slavery, Fascism, Nazism, Communism, theocracy like Islamofascism, or any of the many disguises of Marxism, Fabian Socialism, or other “World Domination” – the end result is the same – TYRANNY! Loss of Freedom and our Individual Rights.

Their “Kinder but Gentler”, “Political Correctness”, “It’s for the Children”, “It’s Not Who We Are”,and all the ‘de-masculinazation’ of everything from dodge ball to border security to even National Defense from terrorists is destroying this nation, culture, and even civilization. This may be an ‘unintended consequence” to many, even most of the “Liberals”, but not to the ‘Financiers’ and many of the ‘leaders’ of the current “Liberal/Progressive/Globalists”. It is all about “Control”!

February 22nd, 2017 at 8:06 am
Bill Brayshaw

Re: your laundry list of LibTARD Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder (now becoming T.A.R.Dementia)
Treating a Cancer with surgery, radiation, and chemo is bound to have short-term “Undesirable Side Effects”. And you point out the parasites and Socialist Power Mongers are going to pitch a fit. So what?
Listing much of the silliness and the problems created by Liberal mistakes? What is your point? Other than spinning to facts into something YOU think is desirable?
Jeeze Louise? Look at from a side other than MSNBC, Hillary, the real DemonRats, and George Soros.

February 22nd, 2017 at 10:00 am

Exciting weekend of tweets. Unfortunately not true. Laughing so hard……

March 5th, 2017 at 6:04 pm

Any readers that are on Medicare now need to read this Time Magazine article.


March 8th, 2017 at 9:20 am

And now, another sign this presidency is not ready for Prime Time. Michael Flynn, hired as National Security Advisor was actually a paid Foreign Agent for Turkey, being paid over 1/2 million $$$, until November 2016.

And nobody knew, nobody scratched the surface, and he never told Trump. Liars love suckers.

March 10th, 2017 at 7:18 am

Dear President Chump,
I could have sworn I heard you say you would donate your salary to a charity. Absent of proof are we to believe what you say? Been there, done that. Suckers.

March 13th, 2017 at 7:47 am
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