Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Mar 17 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

By the time you read this the 2017 Spring Break in our area will have started and be coming to an end. Following this will be the beginning of our busy season in our little secret on the Gulf Coast. Also, this month is the kick-off for the 2017 Chamber memberships; applications were in the mail March 1st. If you are a business and not a member, I encourage you to join. As a member you will benefit in several ways – one being that when contacted, the Chamber will recommend your business. I had a call yesterday from a lady who wanted to purchase a gift certificate to a restaurant for her grandchildren while in Port O’Connor for Spring Break. We have two restaurants as members, so these were the only ones recommended. I can think of four others, but since they were not memebers, I could not recommend them. Had they been members, this one customer would have paid their dues for the year. So consider getting involved; we also need all individuals involved and becoming  members to work towards the betterment of our community.

Coming up will be the Annual Crawfish Festival on April 28th. If you have some time to donate, please do not hesitate to contact us – still needing some extra hands. Also looking forward to a Bigger & Better than before Annual Kids Fishing Tournament–ages 3-12– followed the by the Annual Kite Flying Contest for all ages. The kites can be store bought or home made. Tournament begins at 9 a.m. and  Kite Contest  around 1 p.m. Make sure to bring plenty of sun screen.

The Chamber is researching the amount of their scholarships, seems I may have made a mistake. This may have  been changed to $250; we will have this looked into and answer this question in the next issue.

You are invited to our next meeting on April 10th-6:30 p.m.-POC Community Center.

New and Renewed Memberships

Port Lavaca Chamber of Commerce
William & Connie Wooldridge
Poco Loco Lodge
Sign Works/Image Maker
Arnold & Keiko Gordon
First National Bank
Bugman Inc.
Senator Lois W. Kolkhorst
Roger & Karen Krause
Mike & Peggy Macha
John & Frances Hamm
Gerald Clay & Karen Knight DDS
Britton & Susan Braudaway
Bay Flats Lodge
Siegeler Insurance Agency, Inc.
Tigrett Real Estate
Larry & Mary Vaughn
Ricki & Francey Mc Kinney
Allan & Brigid Berger
Tom & Pat Ekstrom
Jim Vass
Unlimited Logos, Inc.
Back Bay Guide Service
Cliff Blank Rentals
Marg Braudaway
Krenek Fence Company

Thanks for Your Support!

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