Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Apr 17 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Just wish I could adequately tell of the Lord’s blessings to us here at the Chapel and especially His blessings to me! But, Scripture is correct when it says, “Eyes have not seen; Ears have not heard, It has not even entered into the heart of man what God has in store for those who love Him!”

We have had a number of special events this past month. Part of the reason was because of my injury (read about it in my article on page 6) and the great loving support we had from everyone.

Southern Gospel singer Randle Clay blessed us on March 22. On Sunday, March 26, the Reverend James McNatt ministered his “farewell message” to the church. That evening, under the direction of Pastor Jesse and Sister Angie, our church was transformed to a Mexican theme. Our children sang and quoted a Bible verse in Spanish, and we had many different food booths set up so the congregation could sample a great variety of Mexican food dishes. There was the “fruit water” in several flavors and decorations everywhere. The highlight of the evening was our Missionary speaker, the Reverend Ernie and Sandra Peacock, who have served for over 30 years in Mexico. It was truly an evening to remember and hopefully soon repeated! Pastor Joane ministered in the Wednesday, March 29 service concerning the Armor of God.

We hosted the men from the First Methodist Church of Edna for a retreat on March 31 and April 1. They had a great time and are planning a return visit to Port O’Connor. Pastor Adam Knapp led his men in an in-depth Bible study.

On April 2, Pastor Jesse ministered at the Chapel, as Pastor Joane and I were in Cuero. We had the honor of installing Pastor James McNatt as the Campus Pastor for the Cuero church. What a delight to see one of who we have been mentoring for over a year step into his right role as Pastor for a congregation. Our prayers go with him and we are looking forward to reports of victory from that area.

Again, we called on Pastor Joane to fill the pulpit on Sunday evening, April 2, and on Wednesday, April 5. We hosted the men from Project Hope at our Retreat Center on April 7 and 8. They were here to help the Service Club with their Garage Sale. In fact, all that was not sold was transported to Houston to help their ministry. Thank you, Service Club, and thank you Project Hope! It is this partnering of different service ministries that advance God’s Kingdom!

I got back in the pulpit on April 9, and it was great to be preaching again. Even when a minister is not physically able to preach, it does not kill his desire! I have no idea how many new ideas I have recently received that I am looking forward to preaching!

As I write this, I am looking forward to our Community Sunrise Service on Easter Sunday. We so love this wonderful gathering and the delicious cinnamon rolls provided by Cathy Osborn and her crew. At the Chapel, we will be enjoying the ministry of Missionaries Adam and Becky Fithen at the 11:00 a.m. service.

We are planning our Sectional Revival at Port Lavaca. The evenings of May 4 and 5, Thursday and Friday at 7:00 p.m., we will be meeting together with about 20 other congregations at New Beginnings for special services. Evangelist Joe Crook will be the special guest and the Emcee will be District Evangelist Representative, the Reverend Rod Vincent. Special music will be provided by the Praise Team of New Beginnings and other local talent. Everyone is invited to attend these special services and experience a special move of God.

The LAST SCHEDULED CLASS for the Sea Academy here in Port O’Connor begins May 12 and goes through May 18. Anyone wanting to earn their Captain License must contact Captain Robert at 361/816-3010 or the Sea Academy at 361/758-6184 immediately to become a student is this historic class. We have had the honor of hosting these classes since 1999 and have seen many people helped by receiving their Captain Licenses. Many now have a career as a Boat Captain as a result of these classes. But, they are ending – do not miss your opportunity!

The Warriors are coming again to Port O’Connor on the weekend of May 20. That Saturday morning, as usual, we have been asked to provide 2,400 breakfast tacos with all the trimmings. We can not accomplish this task alone and you have always been here to help us. We need everything from the eggs, sausage, tortillas, milk, juice, coffee, and the paper and plastic ware that go with it! Thank you for helping us meet this great need for our soldiers who are giving their lives to defend our freedoms. I know there are many other needs for this great event, but this is our small piece and you make it possible. Thank you!

Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation whose mission is to help people safely navigate their way from earth to Heaven. We continue ministering to the needy with our food pantry and other helps. You will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel and are urged to, “Come, grow with us”!

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