Happy, Hopeful Easter Morning at Matagorda Bay by Kelly Gee

Archived in the category: General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Apr 17 - Comments Off on Happy, Hopeful Easter Morning at Matagorda Bay by Kelly Gee
Easter Sunrise over the bay -Photo by Susan Braudaway

Easter Sunrise over the bay -Photo by Susan Braudaway

There are many things that are special about Port O’Connor, but the sense of community is one of the most special. Easter Sunday morning hundreds of people, locals and guests alike, gathered at Kingfisher Beach to celebrate the Risen Savior, Jesus. These people, from all walks of life and many different faith communities, love fishing, POC, holidays and family. They believe in Easter eggs and the kids who hunt them. Many have a church home and firm belief system that brings meaning to their life. Still, there is something unique and beautiful about the bayside setting in the shine of the rising sun where this diverse group of people come together to share the message of Easter and the meaning of community. The smiles and greetings, handshakes and hugs, music and message, a shared cup of coffee with a fresh cinnamon roll combine in harmony with the common conviction that there is hope for us all and a tomorrow worth living despite the struggles and troubles because Jesus Lives! It was a rare and precious treat in today’s often too busy and sharply divided world. It is a precious part of POC Community!

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