Here they come! Is POC Ready?

Archived in the category: Announcements, Events, General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Apr 17 - Comments Off on Here they come! Is POC Ready?

Time sure does fly! Warrior’s Weekend is ready to host our eleventh year of honoring the service and sacrifice of our combat wounded heroes from the Iraq/Afghanistan war. The people of Port O’Connor/Calhoun County have proven to be a worthy host and we hope that continues this year.

At this time, we are tracking over 800 heroes who have all been pre-screened to ensure that they are all combat wounded (Purple Heart, TBI, PTSD) from the Iraq/Afghanistan Global War on Terror. Although the requirements have remained the same, this is the first time we have required documentation and it has proved to be a daunting task.

Our dates are May 19- 21st. You will start seeing the sand for the sand sculptures arrive on April 26th. Again everything depends on the weather, although that is the plan as we submit this article.

Heroes will be arriving the afternoon/evening of May 19th. Bill Tigrett of Tigrett Real Estate is once again assisting in the lodging of our drive in heroes. On top of our 800 plus heroes we are also tracking 250 plus family members. His team is still looking for homeowners to offer up spacing for these two nights and house heroes and/or hero and their family. Please contact him at We could not complete this task of lodging without his assistance nor bring in the amount of heroes we do without the generosity of the homeowners and businessman. You are not responsible for ANY MEALS as we want the heroes to enjoy all events/meals with the big group in the large tent.

Would you like to take a hero fishing – we are looking for boat captains. You can sign up at – under sign up, boat captains. All you need to fill in is your name, cell phone, email address and length of boat. You will receive a confirmation email and as the event gets closer; a schedule of the boat captain meeting. This is an experience you will not forget and know you are touching the lives of our heroes.

This year, we will go back to launching ALL HEROES from Froggies on Saturday, May 20th. In the past few years, we have split the launching between Froggies and the Sanctuary – but we have decided to go back to what works the best for all. The roll in of charter buses, hand shaking, and cheering will start at 8 am so that all heroes experience a BIG SOUTH TEXAS THANK YOU. We encourage you all to come to the community center to park, starting at 7 am we will bus you down to Froggies as parking is limited. We feel this is an essential part to honor the sacrifices of our heroes. As in the past this is a tournament that we will weigh and clean all fish brought in.

Celebration of the tournament starts about 6 pm in the big tent behind the Community Center. Meal is catered by Uncle Mutts of Victoria; tickets will be on sale for $10 which can be purchased at the PX by Froggies on Friday from about 3 pm to 7 pm, then on Saturday from about 5 am to 4 pm. If there are tickets still available there will be a table, set up in front of b\ig tent that evening.

Want to see how you can get involved – contact us at

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