Letters to the Dolphin

Archived in the category: General Info, Letters to the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Apr 17 - Comments Off on Letters to the Dolphin

World War II Remberances

Agnes Belle Pendergrass Crosier passed away and had a very nice Military funeral Thursday, March 9, 2017, at the Chapel in the Seadrift Cemetery.

She was a Navy nurse on the hospital ship, the USS Rescue, in World War II. Sharing memories with her family at the cemetery, I did remember she was at Okinawa, Japan during World War II at the same time as my husband Dennis Andrew Wilson was in the Navy also. He was on the USS Brazos. He was injured when a Japanese suicide plane dove at his ship and was knocked unconscious on the deck by shrapnel.He was put on the USS Hope, a hospital ship and did receive a Purple Heart for it.

Agnes and Dennis found out about this years later when she moved to Seadrift. Agnes did see many burials at sea when on this ship.

Dorothy Geraldine Wilson

Sambar Deer
Has anyone else noticed that our gracious and exotic SAMBAR deer population is dwindling?

I no longer see Sambar grazing in the pastures on the way to and from Port Lavaca.

I can remember just a few years ago that you would see many with their elegant horns shining in the sun. It was always a treat to see them and made the drive something to look forward to.

I know there have been many killed by careless drivers on the stretch from Cathy’s to Speedy Stop by boaters in a rush in the mornings to launch their boats but I do not think this is the reason for the decline in population.

Since Texas Parks and Wildlife have taken over the Powder Horn Ranch there seem to be fewer and fewer.

I have heard and don’t know if it is true, that the Texas Parks and Wildlife only want native deer on the Powder Horn. This means there will no longer be Axis or Sambar and they must eliminate them.

I looked online and have found Sambar Hunts on the Powder Horn with YouTube so this makes me think they are being eliminated.

The Sambar have been here a much longer time than Texas Parks and Wildlife took over the property and I sure hate to see them disappear. I can remember seeing them back in the early 80’s when I first started coming to POC but have been told by folks that have lived here much longer, they were here much earlier than that.

To me, they are part of Port O Connor just like the fishing, the sand and the front beach. You never knew when you might see one of these big deer as I have even had them run through my yard. I’m sure they were bothersome to some but again I hate the fact that they will be eliminated and no longer roam this area.

I don’t know if it would help to call Texas Parks and Wildlife to complain but just wanted to bring to everyone’s attention that if you are fortunate enough to see one in the near future, enjoy it as it may be you last time to see this type of deer.

Maybe someone from Texas Parks and Wildlife will read this and give an explanation on if this is true?

Concerned, Name Withheld

Thank You

We would like to thank our community. Thank them for the tremendous turn out Saturday the 18th, at the front beach for the Paige Satterfield benefit. The only thing more awesome than the weather, was the support of a community when someone needed it most.

I would also like to acknowledge Debbie and Dawn for organizing such a great day, Willie, Gary, & the guys who cooked the amazing BBQ, Pam, Margaret, Brandi, Colette & anyone else that helped put together said BBQ, Ms Maryann, Amber B & everyone that helped sell raffle tickets, the Bourg family for helping me with last minute hurdles, and the Man Upstairs for giving us a beautiful day to hold it!

The Satterfield family is forever grateful for the outstanding support of their community!

Paige, Jerry, Melissa, Bill

Paige Satterfield

Paige Satterfield

Dear Dolphin Talk;

I have never written to the paper, but I decided to write this time. The Service Club Garage Sale has been a community event around here for a long time. They use the money in our town. They help people who need it too. Last weekend, several things were taken from the garage sale tables overnight when someone came in after the workers went home. POC is not the kind of town where that should happen.

This group helps people all the time. If you genuinely need something, they would help you. You do not have to steal it. Tell them you need help and they will give it. And, if it was just greediness and not need, then ‘Shame on you for taking what is intended to help others.’

The Service Club does good for POC. Do not do this in our town.

A concerned POC citizen and Service Club Member

The Dolphin welcomes letters from our readers on any subject that is of general interest to our audience. Letters should be 300 words or less (with exceptions at the Dolphin’s discretion). Letters reflect the opinion of the writer, and not that of Dolphin Talk staff, and we retain the right to determine suitability for publication. It is the policy of this newspaper to promote area interests: therefore, complaints against local businesses should be directed elsewhere. Letters must be signed and include day and evening phone numbers, which will not be published. Your name will be withheld upon request, but anonymous material will not be considered for publication.
Letters to the Dolphin
P.O. Box 777 Port O’Connor, TX 77982 dolphin1@tisd.net

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