“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

On Syria

The April 6 US Tomahawk missile attack on the Shayrat Syrian AF base where the poison gas bombing of Syrian rebels in Khan Sheikhoun originated, was a surprise to many. There was initially some doubt about who actually had the poison gas. Saddam Hussein sent his supply and the mobile laboratories to produce more to the fellow Baathist Assad regime in Syria before the US invasion. ISIS and possibly other anti-Assad militias had captured some, and there was good documentation that ISIS commanders had used some poison gas artillery shells against Assad forces in the past. Since Putin claimed to have gotten all of Assad’s, and had re-captured some, if not all, of the “missing” gas, Obama, Kerry, and Susan Rice had widely claimed the poison gas threat was over. (Hah! More Liberal fantasies for the Sheeple.)

Putin is the ‘Big Loser’ here. He claimed all was destroyed. Assad either lied to him and he was duped, or he is in cahoots with Assad. So any way you look at it, Putin is either gullible, incompetent, or an accessory to war crimes. So it appears that he has gone back to the Old Soviet Playbook – Deny, Cover-up, and Blame Others. (You can take the boy out of the KGB, but you can’t take the KGB out of the boy.)

The ‘Big Winner’ here is ISIS. Any break-down in cooperation between the US and Russia is greatly beneficial to them. In Iraq, ISIS only holds 7% of the country today, compared to 40% 3 years ago. And they have suffered several defeats and steady attrition in Syria.

It seemed incredibly stupid for Assad to pull such a bone-headed maneuver, and I suspected (and there were some reports) that some of the “rebel” poison gas was stored in caves near the town of Khan Sheikhoun, possibly with some of the lab equipment to make it, but that has been ‘mostly discredited’. “News Rumors” have it that a Russian drone was involved in observing effects of the attack and that Russian fighter-bombers intentionally bombed the hospital where the gas victims were being treated and the dead bodies stored. (See Old Soviet Playbook above.) If that proves true, it looks really bad for Vlad. Either he is trying to cover-up for Assad, or much worse – he was in on it all along. Assad had proven again that we should never underestimate the arrogance and stupidity of a Muslim dictator; and at best, Putin was duped by his “Best Buddy” in SandLand. We should hesitate to openly discuss the other possibilities until more evidence is forthcoming. Hopefully Putin will recognize the error of his ways and continue to cooperate in destroying ISIS. They are the major threat to us all. Perhaps with some strong combined diplomacy (and threats) by both Putin and Trump, Assad and his wife can be persuaded to return to London and he can resume his career as an optometrist. (Assad claimed in a 2011 interview, “he was attracted to studying eye surgery “because it’s very precise, it’s almost never an emergency, and there is very little blood.” )

Putin and Trump working together is the best, fastest, and cheapest hope for destroying ISIS. I certainly hope the “Warhawks” in “The Swamp” won’t be able to pressure Trump into getting us into another ground-war in the Middle East where we spend most of the blood and treasure. (Someone needs to gag John McCain and lock him in the coat closet until after the sensible adults sort this out. Lindsey Graham, too.)

Trump has gained praise and credibility by this “timely and measured response” to this heinous violation of International Law, but critics have pointed out it does not fit well with his “America First” foreign policy, or Congress’ power to declare war. The rapid and unexpected response is the reason for its success, and has plenty of precedents from previous Presidents. Reports of a highly emotional response from Ivanka to photos of dead and injured children are somewhat worrisome. Trump’s advisers need to be reminded – we elected ‘The Donald’, not Ivanka. Military decisions. and revenge in general. are “a dish best eaten cold”. Other positive results include China sending warnings to North Korea, including a threat to bomb their nuclear facilities if they continue to endanger the area, including northeastern China.

It is called “Leadership”. The days of “Big Talk, Do Nothing, Back-track, Appeasement, and Apology Tours” are over. 10% of Syrians were Christians in 2010, what happened to them all? Less than 1% of the “Syrian Refugees” are Christian (but about 70% are military age Muslem males?), so what happened to them? The Sunni ISIS kills them, as do the Iran-backed Shia, only the Kurds make any effort to protect them. We need to re-examine this.

UPDATE:– Deadline limited:As I originally suspected, reasonable intel is coming in that the gas released was not Sarin and probably a result of White Phosphorus munitions and chlorine.

Check the Website! I will update as info comes available and explain. But it is a good chance that the Shayrat Attack was based on bad info and bad advice.

30 comments for “The Way I See It…by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”

Bill Brayshaw

In researching the “Gas Attack” and Trump’s attack on Shayrat Syrian AF Base, I ran into this:

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-04-08/confused-about-syria-you-should-be -published 4/8/17. The author claimed “It was only a week ago that the US enunciated a new policy that we would be content for Bashar al Assad to remain in power presiding over the Syrian government — after years of grousing and threats against him. Apparently Trump Central had concluded that Assad was a better alternative than another failed state in the Middle East with no government at all.”

That would be the week BEFORE the alleged gas attack – “Trusting that you’re not additionally confused by all this, why would Assad choose this moment — only days after the US granted him a pass on remaining in power — to do the one thing guaranteed to bring the wrath of the US down him, namely, kill a lot of civilians, including women and children, with poison gas? Either Assad is inconceivably stupid or possibly the gas attack is not exactly what happened.”

And this on top of the increasing cooperation between Trump and Putin on destroying ISIS – the greatest threat to Assad. Everything was going his way! It is completely illogical, totally irrational, even demented, to believe that Assad would order a poison gas attack on anyone at that point, much less an area with many women and children. Bashar Assad is not “a nice man”, but he is a ‘Westernized Muslim’, and not as stupid and arrogant as many of the Muslim dictators and Islamofascist “Religious Leaders”.

This is why I immediately questioned the veracity of the reported “poison gas attack”. The Media is quick to blame Assad for any poison gas use, even when everyone involved knows that the “Rebels”, both Western-backed, and ISIS have (or had) chemical weapons, and the means to produce more. Obviously all the Rebels want to discredit Assad, and ISIS desperately needs to drive a wedge between Trump and Putin. An alliance between USA and Russia similar to WW II against Hitler would prove a quick defeat to ISIS in Syria and Iraq, and possibly world-wide.

I strongly suspect that the real professionals that deal in chemical warfare can use the industrial “taggarts” to identify the probable source of the gas – if actual weaponized gas like Sarin- or the chemical pre-cursers if some “home-made” variety. I suspect in this case there is both “homemade” and an “accidental” component created by the explosions and fires- possibly some combination of chlorine and phosphorus. A much simplified “accidental” version similar to Sarin, which is a complex organo-phosphate.

April 20th, 2017 at 7:50 pm
Bill Brayshaw

See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarin Sarin: “a colorless, odorless liquid, has a high volatility (ease with which a liquid can turn into a gas), highly toxic, whether by respiratory or dermal exposure.”

This “Gas Attack” has been widely described as a cloud of ‘smoke’, greenish or blueish yellow, pungent odor, and no cases of death or sickness from skin contact with many “First Responders” without any haz-mat protection. Also some descriptions sound like phosphorous (WP) fires. This does not describe Sarin.

April 20th, 2017 at 7:51 pm
Bill Brayshaw

As concerned Americans, we need to question both the abilities and the motivations of those that may have “railroaded” Trump into the Shayrat attack. Some wanted him to appear strong, some wanted him to be more “warlike” against Assad, some have their own “agendas”, and some are incompetent, overly emotional, and/or just plain stupid. We and President Trump need to figure out who is what, and why.

The Mainstream Media is supporting him in this, which is good in one way, but very suspicious in many others. When they applaud a shift to what they call “Mainstream” or “Centrist”, they really mean the “Status Quo”, typical Lib/Prog Big Govt, or worse. They think “The Swamp” is somehow winning on this.

I seriously think that there will be much more to this story, and serious “fall-out” on many of Trumps enemies of all descriptions. Turkey’s Erdogan has won a referendum to give his Presidency vast new powers. This is bad. He is one that was encouraging Trump’s attack on Syria. He has great ambitions for himself as the emerging Grand Caliph of the new Islamic Califate, and is not to be trusted!

April 20th, 2017 at 7:53 pm
Bill Brayshaw

“Ivanka Trump influenced her father’s decision to strike Syria Thursday, according to her brother, Eric Trump.

The Syrian government’s sarin attack on civilians Tuesday reportedly left Ivanka “heartbroken and outraged.” Her reaction to the strike, which left more than 70 people dead, affected President Donald Trump’s decision, according to The Telegraph.

“Ivanka is a mother of three kids, and she has influence,” Eric said. “I’m sure she said ‘listen, this is horrible stuff.’ My father will act in times like that.”

Eric added the president was “deeply affected” by the images of the dead and dying children beamed across television stations, particularly the shots of children being “sprayed down by hoses to keep their skin from burning.”

April 20th, 2017 at 8:01 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Syrian Praise Donald Trump Call Him Abu Ivanka al-Amriki
Trump’s major fame and accomplishment is siring Ivanka the (Liberal) American, whose major accomplishment (according to them) has been to whine her father into rocketing Assad’s Air Force for bombing a “Rebel” munitions and ‘poison gas’ storage facility?
And the idiots in the Liberal Media think this is good?
This is Muslim humor, ridiculing a weak man for being controlled by an over-emotional favorite daughter that is dumber than a sack of camel dung. At least in their way of thinking. But our Media is sugar-coating sarcastic ridicule so it so American’s will think it is real praise.
Note this was dated April 7, when many outside of Syria still thought Assad’s AF dropped the “Sarin”. This was the earliest Muslim source of the “Abu Ivanka al Ameriki” I’ve found. They don’t explain that it is probably ridicule, but somewhat hint at it. This is a Morrocan English language news outlet.

April 21st, 2017 at 9:07 am
Bill Brayshaw


This is from the L.A. Times Tuesday April 18th: “When the Syrian government dropped what the U.S. SAYS WERE CHEMICAL MUNITIONS (Caps added) this month in the northwestern province of Idlib, it was targeting a rebel bastion that it helped create.”
This may not seem to important at first but it clearly indicates the LA TIMES now knows that Assad’s AF did not drop the “poison gas”. The story is now going to slowly morph to some semblance of the truth, but with a major effort by the Mainstream Media of blaming the “LIE” on Trump, and not on the Media.

April 21st, 2017 at 9:21 am
Bill Brayshaw

There has not been any real information of sufficient reliability to make a ‘Real Judgement’ on this yet, but I will go “out on a limb” with this OPINION:
Once again the Media has created a “News Event” that has “forced the govt” (with some ‘push’ from Ivanka) into doing something stupid that has had bad effect on our war against ISIS and a very negative effect on our potential alliance with Russia. It has driven Putin closer to Iran’s crazy Mullahs.

There are many good “Lessons to be Learned” here though:
1. In any decision the Media is NOT TO BE TRUSTED!
2. Especially in any military decision, facts are important! “Enemy” motives must be taken into account. The “fog of war” should be considered in any early illogical “intel reports”, Especially from any Media that hostile or can not be considered “friendly” (which is just about all of it with any “sources” with the ‘Rebels’, whether ISIS or not).
3. Ivanka and hubby Kushner are NYC Liberals. Knee-jerk, they can’t help it, it is where and how they were raised. Ivanka was a little American Princess, protected, coddled, very well educated, but she has absolutely no damn business in any geo-political decisions, especially military decisions!! Business and trade, possibly, but when it comes to military or even considering “news” from highly politicized sources, she is just another American Snowflake! In fact, Princess Snowflake!
4. Before any decisions on “Poison gas” are made, evidence must be gathered by COMPETENT and TRUSTWORTHY experts – Military Chemical Warfare experts. Not idiot “reporters” that moonlight as propagandists. “Everybody” in Syria has had access to it, and/or the pre-curser chemicals to make it. Maybe not “good” weapons-grade, reasonably stable, poison gas, but all kinds of crap that is capable of being fatal & causing terrible injuries.
5. Muslims have a “Allah will provide and protect us” attitude and are too dumb to take even reasonably basic precautions in handling & storing this stuff, or other munitions and explosives. They often blow themselves up handling even “safe” stable explosives, so obviously the danger of these idiots “playing” with dangerous chemicals is much worse. They were in an active “Combat Zone” and had this stuff warehoused with other combustible and explosive “munitions” mixed with their “Civilian Population”- a recipe for disaster! I guess Allah couldn’t overcome ‘Murphy’s Law’, at least not in this case.

April 21st, 2017 at 10:11 am

What on earth does any of this have to do with Port O’Connor or Calhoun County?

Big deal. We dropped 59 bombs at $1.59 million each, only to have airplanes taking off and landing on the field we bombed. Not only that, but we “tipped off” the Russians, who likely tipped off their friends in Syria.

How does any of that help or hurt our citizens? Quit living the war in your head and get out a little more. Life is good here, appreciate it.

April 21st, 2017 at 1:51 pm

Doesn’t all this hate wear you down?

April 21st, 2017 at 4:18 pm
Karla B


“What on earth does any of this have to do with Port O’Connor or Calhoun County?”, you asked? Well to most of us, what is going on around the world, especially at this point in time, is important. Russia may or may not decide to start a nuclear war with us, but it is probably a good idea to at least be aware that it could happen, and maybe even to understand why. The mainstream media does not always tell the truth, though you seem to mostly agree with them. The Way I see It… is a column that the Dolphin Talk decided Mr. Brayshaw could write about things happening ELSEWHERE. It is not a column about Port O’Connor or even Calhoun County per se, though at times this county has been included.

Believe it or not, there really are many people around here and even in other counties who LIKE reading Mr. Brayshaw’s articles. It is fine if you are not one of them, but maybe you could just take your own advice and maybe YOU should just “get out a little more. Life is good here, appreciate it” . And let those of us who wish to, read and maybe learn something new from some of these articles. You don’t seem to want to do that, so maybe you could just find something else to read in this paper. It is chock full of all the good things and wonderful people that you are forever discussing in your comments about whatever Mr. Brayshaw writes about each time.

As for that last little comment on ‘hate’… Since when is fact finding and trying to educate others, hate? My sister says that to me all the time too. If I try to explain something to her that she disagrees with, she tells me it is sad I am so full of hate. I believe now that you sort of want to be just a tad bit provocative with your negative comments. If that is not so, I apologize, but maybe you should keep your comments to the subject matter.

It is great that you so love your little town, but this column is not about local news. Perhaps you should ask the newspaper if you could start writing a column of your own to let everyone know what a wonderful place Port O’Connor is. Or, as you have mentioned several times in comments on other things, that you are a self-made millionaire, so you might even start your very own newspaper all about the wonders of Port O’Connor and Calhoun County! (Though I thought that was what the Dolphin Talk was already doing.)

April 21st, 2017 at 10:45 pm

Dear Karla, I love this paper, I just find it tiring that they give such a nutjob a column. And without factchecking, without any editing, without any limits (as it appears from printing his infamous Vagina Voter column and letting any child pick it up at SpeeDee).

Don’t you find hating tiring? It appears I am not the only one wondering where it all comes from. I don’t think it benefits our community, state, or country allowing free voice of such bias and discrimination repeatedly without allowing a counter point of view. At least on this forum, I can ask these questions.

Aren’t you sick of being angry all the time at other people? Because count me as one of those who are sick of hearing or reading it.

April 23rd, 2017 at 8:37 am
Karla B


For someone who always asks “what does this have to do with” Port O’Connor, or Calhoun County, or whatever other local thing or other you think of at the time, I might ask what does what you are writing on here this time, have to do with Mr. Brayshaw’s latest article about President Trump’s decision to bomb Syria. I notice you didn’t agree, or disagree or want to question the article, just once again, you want The Dolphin Talk to be strictly about local news and local people. You do NOT like Mr. Brayshaw it seems or his column. Your choice. I suggest you write a letter to the “letters to the editor” column and say just what you have said here and try to convince the paper to drop Mr. Brayshaw’s opinion column.

Since every article I have ever read by him, gives sources for his information and places to go to check facts, I have no idea what more you would want done on that score. As for your continual harping on the term Vagina Voters, that is NOT something Mr. Brayshaw just arbitrarily made up to incite the wrath of feminist readers, it has been all over the news for quite some time now. I guess Port O’Connor folks have been having to hide their TVs, computers, and Smartphones, from their children all this time too. Here are some of these sites you must have missed, but the kids may not have:






Of course you will say these are all ‘nutjob’ sites, but that is not the point. The point is, Mr. Brayshaw did not make this term up, or if he had, I assure you the Dolphin Talk would most definitely have asked him not to use it.

You are quite right about most of us wondering now where all the HATE is coming from, and since the out and out violence now seems to be coming most exclusively from the progressive left, the Trump haters, the Black Lives Matter folks, BAMN (By Any Means Necessary), the militant LGBTQ groups, George Soros’ many groups, etc., that might give some indication where it is originating. You personally sound very angry that this nutjob column is allowed to be in your little hometown newspaper. Mr. Brayshaw does not seem angry at all when he writes, just a bit frustrated perhaps that the progressive Democrats seem to have lost sight of what is the right thing to do for the country and the people. Those of us who agree, enjoy his column. Those of you who don’t agree, as you say, ‘you are sick of hearing and reading it’… then don’t! There is nothing at all stopping you from reading the entire rest of this paper. Enjoy!

Karla B.

April 23rd, 2017 at 3:47 pm
Bill Brayshaw

The first round of the Presidential election in France was today.
Marine Le Pen took an early lead of 25% to Emmanuel Macron’s 21% out of a field of 11 candidates. Ms Le Pen, often described as “France’s Trump”, lead is probably due to rural precincts, where her ‘Populist’ support is strongest, report earlier than big cities. Macron is a strong pro-EU Globalist, but described by the ‘Media’ as a “Centrist”. These two are the projected winners, with the final count favoring Macron by a point or two, and will face each other in a run-off, May 7.
Most of the losing candidates, professional politicians, are urging their supporters to vote for Macron. So we can expect the Political Class, Media, and the Globalist Big Money to unite behind Macron. No surprise there. Will the French voters choose the Pro-France woman or the Internationalist professional politician “Do-boy”?
Spring is here, so we can expect more Muslim violence in France in the next two weeks, so another “upset’ is possible.
Marine’s qualifying for the run-off is a big victory for French Patriots & nationalists, and a huge encouragement to Patriots and populists everywhere. The Internationalist totalitarians hate and fear her, just as they do President Trump. She is right in the heart of the European Union, where they thought they were in total control forever.
Freedom from the Globalist “New World Order” is possible, but it won’t be easy, and will be a constant battle for any nation, to preserve their culture and standard of living.
But at this point, victories in even small battles are to be appreciated. So “Cheers!” to Marine Le Pen, the new “Marianne an Jean d’Arc”, heroine of the French Republic. The Marquis de Lafayette would be proud!

April 23rd, 2017 at 4:24 pm
Bill Brayshaw

There is no trustworthy expert reports on the chemical content of what the Media now calls “a Sarin-like gas”, but an internet search today turned up this:
“ONE: Photos show rescue workers treating/decontaminating people injured or killed in the gas attack. The workers aren’t wearing gloves or protective gear. Only the clueless or crazy would expose themselves to sarin residue, which can be fatal.

TWO: MIT professor Thomas Postol told RT,

“I believe it can be shown, without doubt, that the [US intelligence] document does not provide any evidence whatsoever that the US government has concrete knowledge that the government of Syria was the source of the chemical attack in Khan Shaykhun…Any competent analyst would have had questions about whether the debris in the crater was staged or real. No competent analyst would miss the fact that the alleged sarin canister was forcefully crushed from above, rather than exploded by a munition within it.” How would a canister purportedly dropped from an Assad-ordered plane incur “crushing from above?”

THREE: Why would President Assad, supported by Russia, scoring victory after victory against ISIS, moving closer to peace negotiations, suddenly risk all his gains by dropping sarin gas on his own people?

FOUR: In an interview with Scott Horton, ex-CIA officer Philip Giraldi states that his intelligence and military sources indicate Assad didn’t attack his own people with poison gas.

FIVE: Ex-CIA officer Ray McGovern states that his military sources report an Assad air strike did hit a chemical plant, and the fallout killed people, but the attack was not planned for that purpose. There was no knowledge the chemicals were lethal.

SIX: At consortiumnews.com, journalist Robert Parry writes,

“There is a dark mystery behind the White House-released photo showing President Trump and more than a dozen advisers meeting at his estate in Mar-a-Lago after his decision to strike Syria with Tomahawk missiles: Where are CIA Director Mike Pompeo and other top intelligence officials?”

“Before the photo was released on Friday, a source told me that Pompeo had personally briefed Trump on April 6 about the CIA’s belief that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was likely not responsible for the lethal poison-gas incident in northern Syria two days earlier — and thus Pompeo was excluded from the larger meeting as Trump reached a contrary decision.”

“After the attack, Secretary of State Tillerson, who is not an institutional intelligence official and has little experience with the subtleties of intelligence, was the one to claim that the U.S. intelligence community assessed with a ‘high degree of confidence’ that the Syrian government had dropped a poison gas bomb on civilians in Idlib province.”

“While Tillerson’s comment meshed with Official Washington’s hastily formed groupthink of Assad’s guilt, it is hard to believe that CIA analysts would have settled on such a firm conclusion so quickly, especially given the remote location of the incident and the fact that the initial information was coming from pro-rebel (or Al Qaeda) sources.”

“Thus, a serious question arises whether President Trump did receive that ‘high degree of confidence’ assessment from the intelligence community or whether he shunted Pompeo aside to eliminate an obstacle to his desire to launch the April 6 rocket attack.”

SEVEN: As soon as the Assad gas attack was reported, the stage was set for a US missile strike. No comprehensive investigation of the purported gas attack was undertaken.

EIGHT: There are, of course, precedents for US wars based on false evidence—the missing WMDs in Iraq, the claims of babies being pushed out of incubators in Kuwait, to name just two.

NINE: Who benefits from the sarin gas story? Assad? Or US neocons; the US military-industrial complex; Pentagon generals who want a huge increase in their military budget; Trump and his team, who are suddenly praised in the press, after a year of being pilloried at every turn; and ISIS?

TEN: For those who doubt that ISIS has ever used poison gas, see the NY Times (11/21/2016). While claiming that Assad has deployed chemical attacks, the article also states that ISIS has deployed chemical weapons 52 times since 2014.”

I don’t blame Trump other than believing his “advisers”. He has no training in NBC Warfare (Nuclear, Bacteriological, & Chemical), and with all the Media hoopla about the “poison gas” as A FACT when their scientific and military experts SHOULD have been at least somewhat questioning about the above issues.
I also find it curious that there has been no confirmable hard news on this. 19 days? I’m not even considering RT and other Russian sources. I won’t believe them on this, so I’m not going to foster it off on you readers.
When I find something, I will pass it on.

April 23rd, 2017 at 6:29 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Final Vote count in the French 1st round Presidential election: Macron achieved 23.8 per cent of the votes, followed by Le Pen with 21.5 per cent.

It will be interesting to see what happens between now and May 7. All the Political Establishment are calling for people to vote for Macron against Le Pen. Where are the Feminists on that?
76.2 of the voters today did Not vote for Macron, there were other Anti-EU candidates, and some 30+% did not vote.
If Marine Le Pen wins she wants France to quit the EU and the Euro.
Gonna be interesting….
The Media says she has no chance of winning. Sound familiar?

April 23rd, 2017 at 9:27 pm

Feminism isn’t about only supporting and voting for women, it’s about giving them equal opportunity to have the same rights to power as anyone else. Which means voting, which means equal pay for equal wok. Which means not being shut out of opportunity to gain achievement based on only their sex. You asked how the feminists respond, I answered. Karla, you ok with that, or would you prefer to censor my voice?

April 26th, 2017 at 10:53 am
Karla B

You say here, feminism is about giving women the equal opportunity to have the same rights to power as anyone else. Now I am Shaking MY Head. You want women to have the same rights to power? First of all, I don’t believe that ‘having power’ is a right. Power generally means being able to force someone to do something against their will. YOU seem to think power just means equal rights for women. I am curious as to where you moved from when you moved to Port O’Connor? I am 71, have lived in 8 different states and have had several occupations, but I don’t remember being discriminated against because I was a woman, in any of them. I will admit being an aircraft mechanic was a bit of a hassle at times, but once most employers find out you ‘can do the job’, that is the end of it. Sometimes ‘things get said’. Big deal. I knew I was in a mostly male dominated field, so do I think I am going to help myself by crying and whining about every crappy thing that might have been done or said? Nah! Some may have thought I shouldn’t be there, but so what? I guess they grew tougher women back in the ’70s, instead of the little snowflakes that now whine and cry ‘abuse’ at the drop of a hat.

In recent memory, the biggest story about unequal pay for women was that Hillary Clinton did not pay the women that worked for her the same as she paid the men.



Yes, SMH, I am okay with you answering me and giving your opinions, I am not the one who said a word about censoring anyone. It seems to me, however that censoring Mr. Brayshaw, is exactly what you have been advocating in your last couple of posts. Is it okay for YOUR opinion to be heard because you think it is the correct opinion to have? You obviously dislike most anything Mr. Brayshaw has to say, so I guess HIS opinion doesn’t count and no one should have to read it because you consider it to be hate speech? The side YOU chose should be listened to, but the opposing opinions should not?

Oh, just a short comment on your post about liking the math in Minnesota. This is the Huffington Post you realize? This is also a recent sequence of events. I will be curious to see how long this Utopia lasts. My question to you is, as a self made millionaire, if you were to move to Minnesota, you would obviously be very happy to be one of the few who paid ALL the taxes so everyone there could make their $9.50 minimum wage, right? Just askin’…

April 27th, 2017 at 10:42 pm

Karla B. I don’t pay anyone who works for me less than $15 per hour. So 9.50 seems low. And as for my income status, take a look at this community. Millionaire homes are going up right and left. 3000, 4000, 5000 square feet, and in most cases these are second homes. If you’ve got a problem with millionaires, you’ve got a problem.

I don’t want to censor Mr. Bradshaws wretched writing, as I’ve said before if this were his own blog, I would not care. But this cray cray rant about things so USELESS in our paper (I mean its really just an irrational composite of alternative news sources) it sticks out like a ugly wart. It has neither journalistic nor community benefits.

You, Karla B, recommended I get the advertisers to stop supporting the paper, but that seems so, so, what’s the word? Oh yeah, I think Mr. Bradshaw would say that’s very ALINSKY of you.

April 29th, 2017 at 4:45 am
Karla B


You may be rich and may be able to pay whoever works for you $15 an hour (you still didn’t answer the question of would you be willing to be one of the ONLY ones paying taxes though), but you certainly do not retain much that you read, even in just a few short paragraphs. Must be you think no one else is reading any of this, and maybe they aren’t, but putting words in other peoples’ mouths or in other people’s replies to your comments is kinda silly. First you accused me of wanting to censor your voice, this time you accused me of possibly having problems with millionaires (???) and also of asking YOU to get advertisers for this paper to stop advertising. Please go back and copy/paste my asking you to do that. I DID recommend for you to either stop reading this column you seem to hate so much, contact the newspaper, or start a blog or a paper of your own. I personally don’t have a problem with the paper printing other points of view, like you seem to. And other than being provocative, there is no reason here for you to have started calling the columnist, Mr. Bradshaw all of a sudden. But in case you really HAVE forgotten, it is “The Way I See It…by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”

If you despise his, as you call them, “cray cray rants” so much why not take up my other suggestion and contact the lady who puts this paper together, and complain to her? I doubt she thinks they are that beyond crazy and deranged or she would never put them in her paper. Once again, SMH… YOU think his column is useless… so… voila… it must be useless to everyone. I thought liberal progressives were supposed to be, above all… tolerant! I guess that is just something else that is said on all the ‘fake news’ sites now. Oh, and I had thought to mention Saul Alinsky in my last post, but I was not sure if you had progressed that far yet.

April 29th, 2017 at 10:30 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Written following Comment #21

Because of advice from supporters and fellow internet researchers, I have intentionally “refrained” from answering attacks by “SMH”. Early it became obvious that she is a Lib/Prog “Troll”, has no interest in debating the issues, and has no consideration for info, facts, or conclusions other than her Party Line. I also suspected she is a student of the Alinsky Model, possibly paid by any of many Lib/Prog “Political Action” groups,
her ‘Talking Points’ closely follow their lists, and contrary to her much professed “love” for POC and the Dolphin, her obvious goal is to
crush any dissent or real information about the real Lib/Prog “Agenda”. She, like her comrades in Beserkley (Berkley), wants to silence anyone
that disagrees with her ‘Agenda and World View’, she can not offer reasonable, logical, or factual rebuttal to my article or anyone’s comments, so she resorts to false personal attacks, changing the issues, and offering Lib/Prog propaganda “Editorials” as ‘information’.

SMH has exposed herself so much this month that I’m breaking my silence to point out a few facts, using her own words:

1. In Comment #9-“What on earth does any of this have to do with Port O’Connor or Calhoun County?” The Media driven “hysteria” over Assad’s
Sarin gas attack against “unarmed civilians and refugees” was driving us to the brink of open warfare with Russia. Thank God, most of the people here have little knowledge of CBN Warfare (Chemical, Bacterial, Nuclear), and the Mainstream Media was fanning the emotional flames, but ignoring physical facts. But SMH does not want “facts”. She wants ‘controlled news’.

2. In comment #10 – “Doesn’t all this hate wear you down?” What “hate”? Are facts on chemistry and the probable reaction of exploding munitions
and fires in the presence of chemicals, somehow “hate”? This is ‘Pure Alinsky’ – marginalize and demonize anyone that you figure is an “enemy”
of your Agenda. And the accusation of “Hate Speech” is a current favorite. Note the success that Comrades in Beserkley are having! She
ignores the fact that like many other Southern males of my age, I volunteered to fight Marxist totalitarianism, to defend her Right to
Freedom of Speech, no matter how dementedly wrong her ‘Agenda’ may be.
Alinsky taught his Community Organizers, “The ‘issue’ is never the issue, the real issue is Power!”. SMH’s issue is the power to control
information, attack anyone that refuses to bow to her Political Correctness, and force everyone to comply with the Party’s Agenda.

3. In Comment #12 -SMH writes, “Dear Karla, I love this paper, I just find it tiring that they give such a nutjob a column. And without factchecking,
without any editing, without any limits (as it appears from printing his infamous Vagina Voter column and letting any child pick it up at SpeeDee).” SMH has changed the discussion, gotten in gratuitous insults, and told several lies. Joyce carefully edits all my columns and
often asks for changes. I include references to sources where space permits and provide many more to Joyce and in comments at the website. I
know and respect Joyce as a devout Christian lady and I was originally uncomfortable with the “Vagina Voters” thing, but it was Big News. THAT was the label they chose and the Lib/Prog Media popularized seemingly 24/7! And their
obscene vulva costumes. These Militant Feminist Leaders are so ignorant of the proper names of their own “plumbing” that they confuse vulva and
vagina. So much so they had to come up with the much simpler “Pussy Hats”! And she accuses me of “Corrupting the children” by writing on
the insanity of Feminists preaching “Equality”, but insisting women should “vote their Lady Parts” against their national sovereignty,common sense, community and family values for a greedy Elitist
Kleptocrat, a known liar and criminal, simply because Hillary Clinton was born female?
And she calls me a “nutjob”? Considering the source of confused and twisted DoubleThink and the total inversion of logic, being called a “Nutjob” is a complement. Thanks to Karla B. for providing a great answer for that bit of silliness. SMH doesn’t “love” this paper,she only wants the Power to control what is published.

4. In Comment #17 SMH accuses “Dear Karla” of “or would you prefer to censor my voice?”. That for the Unpardonable Sin of giving her factual sources on the above. This is again a total inversion of the entire discussion. Reversing who is trying to censor whom. Typical Alinsky. When you can’t refute the arguments,attack the person trying to teach you the truth.

5. In Comment #20, after several more nonsensical insults to me, and her juvenile hip-hop “cray, cray” comment, SMH writes,”You, Karla B,
recommended I get the advertisers to stop supporting the paper, but that seems so, so, what’s the word? Oh yeah, I think Mr. Bradshaw would say that’s very ALINSKY of you.” This is another inversion of the Truth. At
no point did Karla ever suggest she “get the advertisers to stop supporting the paper,” but one of the Alinsky tactics eagerly embraced by the current Lib/Progs is to accuse their “enemies” of bad acts that THEY are already doing, or considering. That mention of Alinsky is the
one “more or less” truthful thing SMH has offered this month, but she untruthfully “accuses” Karla B. of suggesting it. But that is also pure Alinsky, blame others for your bad acts. I respectfully suggest that Readers re-read all of Karla B.’s comments – she did not mention Alinsky until she answered this comment from SMH.

This months comments from SMH have strongly reinforced the opinion that SMH is a Lib/Prog “Troll”, beyond any intellectual salvation, and can only be ignored. The Truth is simply not in her. She has previously claimed to be a millionaire “Progressive Capitalist” which seems an Oxymoron to one who understands the definitions of the words, but is possible if someone is “shucking major bucks” out of the Lib/Prog movement somehow. I hope she really can pay all her employees $15 per hr. to work for her,
I’m sure they deserve it.

April 30th, 2017 at 11:17 am

Following a conversation (debate) and actually being included in some regard, is different.

As I have mentioned in the past, to address comments of SMH is nothing more than fueling the fire. To paraphrase. #1 Her mind is made up #2 Her mind is made up #3 Any acknowledgement, which gives credence to anything said by her, re-affirms her mind being made up and adds reason to respond.

April 30th, 2017 at 3:11 pm
Bill Brayshaw

I have been reminded that the proper military nomenclature is NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) Warfare, in the descending order of severity.
It’s been quite a white, and my only practical experience in Vietnam was Chemical, and that “fairly benign” – CS & CN (tear gas) in grenades and also powdered form.

April 30th, 2017 at 3:46 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Thank you, Mike. This month has proven you were right, as usual.
I only “violated” my new policy of ignoring her to point out to other readers that her methods and tactics are pure Alinsky – “Leninisms” adapted for American democracy and media, and this month she has admitted it.
And to put the lie to her accusations of a lack of editing by Joyce. She can say what she will about me. Mox Nix.
Her insults are almost as refreshing as Liberals’ tears from their defeats.

April 30th, 2017 at 4:00 pm

Trump is going to support Assad in Syria. Because he’s for Putin most of all. Watch and see.

May 8th, 2017 at 8:49 am

THIS is how you find out what is going on in the world http://www.hbo.com/vice/episodes/03/35-afghanistan-after-us-and-la-haine/index.html

If you are waiting for Bill’s once-a-month spewing of all things ignorant, you’re a little late to the party.

May 8th, 2017 at 8:51 am

Karla B – maybe you didn’t read in an earlier post where I said I do not believe paying less taxes = more patriotic. But if you happen to support that House of Rep repeal of Obamacare, well, thanks for the 50% cut in my taxes. I’ll send it all to Planned Parenthood in Victoria, OK?

May 8th, 2017 at 8:54 am

This is your daily reminder that the President of the United States is under FBI investigation for colluding with Russia to fix an election. And he just fired the lead attorney heading it all up.

But you won’t read about it here.

May 10th, 2017 at 6:34 am
Untitled Document