Intercoastal 4-H held their monthly meeting on May 1st, 2017 at the Port O’Connor Elementary library. We had our yearly officer elections.
Intercoastal 4-H club’s 2017-2018 officers are:
President- Brooklyn Redmond
Vice President- Antonio Gloria
Secretary/Reporter- McKenna Guevara
Treasurer- Alana Sanchez
Parliamentarian- Christopher Ritcher
We had a Bird Ecology on April 30 at Boggy and a Marsh Ecology on May 7th also at Boggy. Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Berger for hosting these events.
4-H members on the Student Advisory board helped with a Bake Sale on May 6th 2017 at 8:00 am to help raise money for the new library.
We will hold our next meeting when school starts back up in August.