From A World View To The Microscopic by Brigid Berger

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 May 17 - Comments Off on From A World View To The Microscopic by Brigid Berger
Intercoastal 4H seining at Boggy Nature Park with TMN Brigid Berger

Intercoastal 4H seining at Boggy Nature Park with TMN Brigid Berger


…that’s how the Intercoastal 4H kids saw Boggy Nature Park on Sunday, May 7th when Allan and Brigid Berger, Texas Master Naturalists conducted a wetlands class for them. Using Google Earth to zoom in to see the continent, the gulf coast and finally Boggy Nature Park, the kids got the global perspective. Then looking through an electronic microscope, they viewed live zooplankton that came from Boggy waters. After talking about wetlands, what they are and their importance, the group did some seining along the Boggy shoreline hauling in an incredible amount of grass shrimp, minute fishes and tiny crabs. Seeing the critters which the trout, redfish, flounder, birds, racoons and others feed on, the kids were witness to the food chain which is in constant motion within the bays and estuaries. The outing was sponsored by San Antonio Bay Partnership whose mission it is to protect, restore and enhance the natural resources of the San Antonio Bay System for the benefit of the ecosystem and its human uses. This was the second field trip provided by SABP for the 4H group. The first one, in April, the kids and their chaperones Birded Boggy, learning how to use binoculars and how to identify the multitude of birds which frequent Boggy and the Texas Coast.

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