Safety In the Storms by Donnie L. Martin

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 May 17 - Comments Off on Safety In the Storms by Donnie L. Martin

As I type my thoughts this morning, I’m sure a number of you can relate to the words of the disciples in Mark 4:38c, who said, “Master, carest thou not that we perish.” These words were spoken in response to a violent storm that had come upon them. The storms of life are often like that. They are sometimes sudden, violent, and relentless. However, the presence of a storm in our life doesn’t mean God has forsaken us. He may simply be teaching us some spiritual truths that we need to assimilate for our understanding and benefit.

Perhaps the following words will give the hurting some hope today:

“We are safer in the storm with Him than in the calm without Him. As we sail on the sea of life, storms will come. But we need have no fear with Him on board. Someone has said, ‘With Christ in the vessel, I smile at the storm.’ Fear sees the storm; faith sees God in the storm. ‘Christ is no security against storms, but He is perfect security in storms. He does not promise an easy passage, but He guarantees a safe landing.’”1

Hang on brothers and sisters; the storm will blow itself out soon. When Jesus is in the boat, it can’t go under. Keep your eyes on the Savior, not the storm.

1Mildred Stamm, Meditation Moments, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Corporation, 1967), Devotion for April 22.

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