The POC Community Service Club is going on vacation! Well, sort of. Our summer schedule of one meeting per month has started. So, on the first Thursday of May, June, July and August we will continue to work on our many projects and outreaches in our community. The rest of the month our committees will […]
Home > May, 2017
POC Service Club Chronicles by Kelly Gee
Summer Reading Program
4-H Elects Officers by McKenna Guevara
Intercoastal 4-H held their monthly meeting on May 1st, 2017 at the Port O’Connor Elementary library. We had our yearly officer elections. Intercoastal 4-H club’s 2017-2018 officers are: President- Brooklyn Redmond Vice President- Antonio Gloria Secretary/Reporter- McKenna Guevara Treasurer- Alana Sanchez Parliamentarian- Christopher Ritcher We had a Bird Ecology on April 30 at Boggy and […]
From A World View To The Microscopic by Brigid Berger
…that’s how the Intercoastal 4H kids saw Boggy Nature Park on Sunday, May 7th when Allan and Brigid Berger, Texas Master Naturalists conducted a wetlands class for them. Using Google Earth to zoom in to see the continent, the gulf coast and finally Boggy Nature Park, the kids got the global perspective. Then […]
Host an Exchange Student
Because hosting an international exchange student shouldn’t be a foreign idea… Start your family’s adventure of a lifetime! Make this year the most exciting and enriching ever! Volunteer families are needed to host students, 15 to 18 year old boys and girls, from Germany, China, Brazil, Belgium, Italy, Czech Republic, Japan, Ecuador, South Korea, and […]