Citizens of the Week

Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Jun 17 - Comments Off on Citizens of the Week

Citizens of the Week at Port O’Connor School

Week ending May 19: PreK- Kolt Leiker; K- Haiden Dean; 1st- Lillyan Gibson; 2nd- Brayson Thumann; 3rd- Emily Ferrell; 4th- Christopher Richter; 5th- Annabelle Thurman

Thanks to a grant from Target, Port O’Connor Elementary students in Kinder through 2nd grade were able to spend a day at the Texas State Aquarium in Corpus. Front row: Madden Guevara, Skyler Pessall Back row: Abygail Gonzales, Landy Resendiz, Laela Aranda, Enola Walton, Adamariz Zuniga, Connor Ferrell, Tadam Hamilton, Gracie O’Shields, Matilyn Gibson, Audrey Rhoads, Clara Stryker, Mimi Mezzell

Thanks to a grant from Target, Port O’Connor Elementary students in Kinder through 2nd grade were able to spend a day at the Texas State Aquarium in Corpus.
Front row: Madden Guevara, Skyler Pessall
Back row: Abygail Gonzales, Landy Resendiz, Laela Aranda, Enola Walton, Adamariz Zuniga, Connor Ferrell, Tadam Hamilton, Gracie O’Shields, Matilyn Gibson, Audrey Rhoads, Clara Stryker, Mimi Mezzell

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