To all who helped make the July Fireworks show here in Port O’Connor possible, thank you so very much! As my first year as President of the Port O’Connor Chamber, I really had no idea just how much goes on behind the scenes. First, a huge Thank You to Bill Tigrett and Donnie Haynes for chairing this event! Bill worked with us on getting contributions for the fireworks show, and made sure the crew members were fed. This event is funded strictly on monies collected from donation boxes and contributions. It is not a fundraiser in any way for the Chamber. All the change that is deposited in our money boxes throughout the year, goes solely for this event. It costs approximately $30,000 to put the fireworks on, including advertising, soliciting donations, security, trash bins, porta potties, and trash clean up. Next, Donnie Haynes is our go to for the fireworks themselves. Donnie works closely with Sky Wonder Pyrotechnics to ensure that we get the biggest bang for our bucks. When the explosives are delivered, Donny hauls all them to the end of the pier by ATV. Donnie’s team, along with Sky Wonder, sets them up and wires them for the show. The heat this time of the year is unbearable, so we really appreciate all that he does. We also appreciate Tony Pool, who has worked with Donnie for several years for all his help.
Special thanks to the Calhoun County Sheriff’s Dept. and Port Lavaca Police for the security. A big Thanks to Zach for the trash clean up. The beach during and afterwards was extremely clean! Thanks also to Beacon 44 Seafood for supplying the ice for drinks for the crew as well as providing the ATV for trash pickup. Also appreciated are the County workers that helped us with providing barricades for traffic control, and trash receptacles. Also, a special thank you to Waste Management for the trash bins and porta potties. And last but not least, thank you Mike Hessong. Mike captured some gorgeous pictures of the show that he has so graciously allowed us to use on our website.
Of course, a sincere and heartfelt Thank You goes out to all or our contributors. Whether the donation was large or small, it adds up and allows us to continue this patriotic tradition.
If I have forgotten anyone, I apologize. But do know that you are appreciated!!! If you see any of these people, please give them a pat on the back, and tell them how much you appreciate what they do! They deserve it!
Darla Parker, President,
Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce

Bill Tigrett of Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce accepts a generous donation for the Fireworks Show from Judy of Island Liquor and Gifts.