Whats Happening At First Baptist Church? by Doyle Adams

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Aug 17 - Comments Off on Whats Happening At First Baptist Church? by Doyle Adams

The Church had a fantastic Vacation Bible School this year! The School ended on Friday, August 4, 2017. The average total attendance was 70; average children attendance was 44 daily, and average workers attendance was 26.

The children enjoyed the large “Bouncer” we had and each class had their opportunity to “Bounce” twenty minutes each day.

We had a contest between the Boys and the Girls each day as they entered the Church they dropped their change into their “marked bucket”. The money was donated to the South Texas Children’s Home. The Girls won the contest with $159.50 and the Boys ended up with $120.37 for a total of $297.87, which will be given to the Children’s Home in Beeville, Texas.

Friday evening, August 4, was the Commencement and each child was presented with a Diploma and the children sang several of the songs they learned. The Church was packed with parents and grand parents for this big occasion. After the Program, everyone assembled in Fellowship Hall for refreshments.

The Semi-Annual Senior Retreat for those 50 years old and older, begins September 25 – 28. 2017 at Camp Zephyr on the banks of Lake Corpus Christi. This is a very exciting event! You must register for your motel type room as soon as possible. Registration forms are in the Church Foyer for you to check-in at the Camp. You may call the Camp at 361-547-2448 now to make your reservation. Ask for Abby. The cost is $100.00 per person and includes your room and all meals and refreshments.

This years preacher is Sam Crosby, Bible Study by Dr. Jimmy Arnold, Devotions by George Yarbrough and Music by Marcos and Sue Gohlke and some of the finest Fellowship you will ever have.

Transportation to Camp Zephyr is available. For additional information call Doyle Adams 361-983-4866

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