OK–Harvey has Come and Gone!!!!!
So much has happened in Port O’Connor since last Chamber Chat. Last month I was saying how Port O’Connor has so many new citizens and how much we’ve grown. Well, everyone had a chance to come together with Harvey coming into the Gulf. Neighbors helping neighbors, if someone needed something, an item or physical help, someone was there to help. I’m proud to be a part of this community and know others feel this way also. Yes, we had some damage, but by some miracle, it was nothing to what could have been. Yes, we were without electricity and sewer for a period of time, but everyone managed and became stronger.
The businesses had some damages also, but most are are now back open. The mosquitoes were getting quite bad and a wonderful person with a crop duster went out of his way and sprayed POC, next morning another miracle, 99% of mosquitoes were gone. POC has so much to be thankful for.
Now is the time to start planning your setup for “TRUNK or TREAT” which will be located at King Fisher Park, Saturday -October 28th taking place at 7 p.m. Decorate your trunk or area around your vehicle and hand out goodies for the little goblins. THANKS goes out to Mary Francis Bauer of 10th Street Lodge for heading up this event. They had a great turn out last year and so much Fun!!!
New and Renewed Memberships:
Lowtide Guide Service
Coastal Bend Marine