Home > September, 2017
Great Catches!
Recovering From Mother Nature by Capt. Stephen Boriskie, Bay Flats Lodge, Seadrift, Texas
August 30, 2017 God Bless Texas! This was our mantra over the past week as we Texans fled the path of Hurricane Harvey. Turns out whether you got out of the way, stayed to ride it out or became stranded due to high wind or rising water that a good portion of the state of […]
From Port O’Connor Improvement District:
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the people who suffered loss throughout this horrific storm event. POCID prepared a plan on how to bring the water and sewer system back into service after the storm had passed and was safe for our operators to perform their duties. The system was brought back on […]
Condolences – Harry Paulson Pond Sr.
Harry Paulson Pond Sr. passed away August 29, 2017 at 88 years of age. Harry was born in Faribault, MN on April 2, 1929. He attended the University of Houston where he met the love of this life, Carolyn Harris. They were married June 12, 1949. Harry was the divisional sales manager of Sears & […]
Letters to the Dolphin
“A Thing of the Past” The older I get, I have time to think of the past and compare it to today. My mind goes back to the days when a doctor made house calls. There is no telling how many babies this doctor delivered at home. The nearest hospital was at Victoria, too far […]