Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Nov 17 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

I am truly glad this year is almost over! All we have left to do for 2017 is to “Count Our Blessings” and “Celebrate Our Lord’s Birth”! Both of these events come with a lot of activities for the Chapel.

Our Community Thanksgiving Celebration was a time for us to come together in “community” and give thanks for our Lord’s blessings. The Catholic Church did a wonderful job of hosting our community and the St. Joseph’s ladies did a splendid job of providing a time of fellowship around the tables. It is always good for us to come together, especially at Thanksgiving time to celebrate our common faith!

We received a special offering, which is combined with the giving of the Women’s Service Club, the individual churches, and special friends, to provide the food necessary for our Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Baskets. This year the needs have been greater, but together we are meeting the needs. The sign up deadline is Sunday, November 19. Please call 361/218-6693 if you need a food basket or know of someone who is in need. Remember, we attempt to feed NEED, not GREED! Baskets will be distributed on Tuesday, November 21, in time for Thanksgiving at the Chapel.

On Sunday, November 19, we will be having a special Thanksgiving All Church Fellowship. The Chapel will be providing King Ranch Chicken, and the side dishes will be provided by the congregates. Everyone is invited to attend with the activities beginning at 6:00 p.m. There will be plenty of time for fellowship and some excellent food to enjoy together.

Christmas activities begin almost immediately after Thanksgiving. We do not celebrate “Black Friday” at the Chapel, but we get the church decorated and ready for all our Christmas events.

On Sunday, December 3, we will host the ministry of Ric Gorden. Most will remember Ric’s unique singing style and the many songs he has written. No one who hears this outstanding minister will leave disappointed. Everyone is welcome to attend the 10:00 a.m. Bible Study time and the 11:00 a.m. Morning Service which will feature our special guest, Ric Gorden.

Our Christmas Sunday will be December 17. In the morning service, our children, under the direction of Angie Alderete, will be featured. We always enjoy our kids and they love to be a part of the Christmas activities. Our famed Christmas Party will begin at 6:00 p.m. on that date. Only those who enjoy great food, fellowship, and a lot of fun with much laughter are invited. We will share “white elephant gifts” during those activities.

On Wednesday, December 20, we will be going around our community singing Christmas Carols. We will return to the Chapel for some refreshments, including hot chocolate. When weather permits, we ride on an open trailer, sitting atop some hay bales. We just go around town singing at several houses along the way. It is a lot of fun and everyone is invited to participate.

On Christmas Eve, Sunday December 24, we will be having only one service, which will begin at 10:30 a.m. There will be no morning Bible Study or evening service to give families opportunity to be together and celebrate Jesus’ Birthday.

For those needing a Christmas Food Basket, we will be distributing them on December 19.

We sincerely believe one can never make it to appreciating the Manger and all that it means until they have been through Thanksgiving! Make Thanksgiving special and see the rewards it will bring.

The Chapel is an inter-denominational congregation whose goal is to see people have a better relationship with their Creator through Jesus Christ. One will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel and are all urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

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