Halloween in Port O’Connor by Candice Stryker

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Nov 17 - Comments Off on Halloween in Port O’Connor by Candice Stryker

Halloween is always a time for frivolous play and make believe, but this year it was more than that. It was a much-needed break from reality and a time to unwind and enjoy the simpler things in life. The Port O’Connor PTO Halloween Carnival not only helped raise money for the school, but provided the escape that we all needed after such an exciting and somewhat dramatic September. The whole community got together once again to help put on this traditional event to an outstanding success.

The costume judges, Ann Brownlee, Ronna Fishbeck, and Pam Hill had their work cut out for them judging the numerous amounts of children that came dressed up in costume, along with a few adults. Games like Alien Can Toss, Pick Frankenstein’s nose, Lollipop Tree, Witch Pitch and more were crowded with lines of kids waiting their turn to try their chances at winning. The cake walk proved to be a popular attraction as usual with PTO alumni James and Shirley Harper in charge. Mary Jo Walker, Margaret Claiborne, Tonya Carriles, and Rhonda Adams whipped the cafeteria into shape by cooking and serving the food. Mary Ann Claiborne sold drinks once again to all who came in thirsty.
The raffle was a momentous success. So many in our community and outside dug into their already hurricane strapped wallets to give to us; either by donating items, monetary gifts, or buying raffle tickets. There was a total of 74 donors this year, plus dozens who came and helped set up, take down, work games, and behind the scenes. Dawn Ragusin and Amber Bricker worked the raffle, the POC Volunteer Fire Department set up and ran the haunted house, the First Baptist Church youth group volunteered their time and so many, many more people that there is just not enough room to name.

Once again Port O’Connor proves what a blessing it is to live in this wonderful community. The love and charity that this community shows each other is amazing and should be an example for all. Thank you everyone who came out to this year’s PTO Halloween Carnival.
Costume Contest Winners

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